Problem lighttpd pfsense 2.1 Alix 2D13
Hi I am using pfsense 2.1 4g on Alix 2D13 lighttpd continue crash every 30 minutes
I have upgraded from 2.0.3
I see in the system log
kernel: pid 44637 (lighttpd), uid 0, was killed: out of swap space
When it crash I go the console "Restart WebConfigurator" to restart it. The console tell no process running and then restart the process. I think there is something wrong with /tmp/ size.
What I have to do?
What I can configure to make it function?
There Is any firmware upgrade that solve this bug?Thanks
You're running out of RAM. What packages do you have installed? Have you disabled IPv6 on all interfaces if you're not using it?
I have installed cron and squid.
Squid before upgrade was up and functioning but now is down.
I have three interface with IPv6 => none. No interface with ipv6.
I use openvpn client without IPV6.Do you need more information?
Squid is likely what is doing it. Disable it and see if the problem goes away.
Hi I solved reinstalling squid package. There is a command using console that permit to install pfsense packages like squid?
Hi I solved reinstalling squid package. There is a command using console that permit to install pfsense packages like squid?
On pfSense 2.1, yes. -
this is a very useful feature, Thanks