Voucher database synchronization
Hello Friends
I would like to know how to configura
Shynchronize Voucher Database IP…................................
Voucher sync port..............................................................
Voucher shnc usename.....................................................
Voucher sync password.................................................... at voucher database synchronization tab
my Lan IP is
my user name and password is default pfsense passwordI want to know " which IP will i put at Shynchronize Voucher Database IP and which number will i put at Voucher sync port
ႊThanks and best regards
I fillep up those form (only on my slave box) with the ip address of my master pfsense box
for example:
Shynchronize Voucher Database IP…................................
Voucher sync port..............................................................8880
Voucher shnc usename.....................................................admin
Voucher sync password....................................................xxxxx
I also use these details for my CARP setting,
but when I did failover test, the voucher list seems to be NOT synchronized.
even though the "Voucher Rolls" statistics are the same with master box, but the list it self is not the same.For example, i tested "dun5smgq59r47" come out as valid in master box, but come out as invalid in slave box
Appreciate if anyone can help...
Thanks so much! ;D