Searching for Procedure to install Patch "time quota" to limit squid access
Ok there is a Squid version with "Time Quota" integrated (from version 3.3.10). Is there an written Procedure or anything else what is understandable how i can integrated this Squid version in Pfsense ??
Isn't 3.3.10 available as a package? Squid3-dev? You can install it under System/Packages.
@rjcrowder: I installed the Package " System Patches" and now i have the possibility to install the Time Quota Patch. BUT… after i wrote the Link in the URL Tab i could Test it but PFsense wrote that : Patch can NOT be applied cleanly (detail)
Patch can NOT be reverted cleanly (detail)And there for i can´t start the Patch. Do you got a Idea ??
I'm not sure I understand… Are you saying that you installed the Squid-Dev package? Are you saying that time quotas are not already a part of that packages version of squid (3.3.10)?
Ok it´s a little bit confused, i have tried it with Squid-Dev which should have that Time-Quota package. But when i had a look when it was installed it hat not included that what i hoped it would be and so i removed that package again. After further searching i saw something how you could ad a Patch in PFsense. This was by installing "System Paches" and then the URL were the Patch is. But then the next problem is that what i wrote before: Patch can NOT be applied cleanly, Patch can NOT be reverted cleanly, and therefor i can´t start the Patch.
The system patches are for pfSense patches… It will not install a patch to Squid.
If you want to patch Squid, you will need (as I said before) a freeBSD development environment. On your freeBSD development machine (or virtual machine) you will patch squid and then recompile it. Then you will need to copy the newly compiled squid executable to your pfSense machine.
Are you sure the time quota functionality is not compiled into the squid-dev package? I don't know for sure that it is, but I thought (based on the version) that it might be...
There is that normal Time Limiter integrated but what i am searching is in that Time Limiter (e.g. 07:00 to 19:00 hrs) a possibility to define the Online- Internet Time (e.g. calculated together 2Hrs) and that i didn´t found in Squid-dev. And i think that many people are interested in this option. Can you help me to Compile this ???
And i think that many people are interested in this option. Can you help me to Compile this ???
Sorry… I don't have a freeBSD environment (although I've thought about setting one up). You could message Marcello (maintainer of the Squid packages) to see if he's interested in adding it.
I wrote Marcello a Meassage about adding the Time Quota to squid or helping me with it. When i know something i will let you know. Thanks for your help sofar. -
Hi, i am back with Experience. I found on FreeBSD a lot of Packages to install but where do i know what these packages do ? is there somewhere a discription of these?
pfSense is a firewall - it is not a general FreeBSD distribution. Many things in the general distribution are not built in pfSense because they are not needed or appropriate on a firewall (e.g. compilers…). The useful things to add to pfSense are available from the pfSense webGUI System->Packages menu. The descriptions are there and they install from there.
The intention in pfSense is that, after initial installation, you should never need to use the command line or console.
If you want to play with FreeBSD, then install a full FreeBSD on a system or in a VM, then you can install and play with whatever packages you like. -
Anyone have more information on this? I have the squid-dev package installed and would like try time quotas out.
How do I do something like this with pfSense and Squid?