Editing firewall schedules hangs browser
Editing existing firewall schedules hangs latest Firefox, IE and Chrome.
Also when adding a schedule and selecting a day you can't deselect the day. -
I pushed a fix, worked fine for me on Firefox and Chrome. You can gitsync and try it.
Thanks, as soon as the snapshots are working again I will update to the latest version and test!
Clicking edit on Configured Ranges (under Schedule Repeat) still freezes the browser.
Additionally, even if I clear the days selection, the cleared days gets still added to the range. E.g., select everything Mon - Sun, then clear Sat and Sun, add some hours range, click Add Time. The range stays Mon - Sun. And other issues. The whole thing is seriously buggy.
Still could not update to the latest version, so had no time to check it.
Besides the hanging a firewall schedule has no purpose when a sessions is active before the schedule pops in.
Open sessions will keep active unless you reset -all- firewall states. Maybe this can be fixed too. -
Besides the hanging a firewall schedule has no purpose when a sessions is active before the schedule pops in.
Open sessions will keep active unless you reset -all- firewall states. Maybe this can be fixed too.Created a new bug for that since it has nothing to do with the horrible javascript GUI.
Great! Thanks for the bug report.