Bellsouth/AT&T PPPoE broken
I've been using pfSense off and on for quite a while. A couple of weeks back, I switched over from Monowall with the intention of being a permanent change. I configured my DSL modem for Bridged mode and configured pfSense for PPPoE with the username and password for my DSL service. It's been working fine since (and it worked fine the previous times I've used pfSense). But tonight, at about 8:03 PM EST, it stopped working. Until it had stopped working today, it has been days since I changed any setting in pfSense (or looked at the webGUI, even).
I went through the normal procedures of rebooting the DSL modem and rebooting pfSense, but it would not work. I switch the DSL modem back to PPPoE mode and changed pfSense back to DHCP, and it works. Switch things back, and it doesn't. The log looks like this:
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: is OK
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: IPADDR
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: is OK
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: IPADDR
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: is OK
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: IPADDR
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: is OK
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: IPADDR
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: is OK
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: IPADDR
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: is OK
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: IPADDR
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: is OK
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: IPADDR
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: is OK
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: IPADDR
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: is OK
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: IPADDR
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: IPADDR
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: SECDNS
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: IPADDR
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: is OK
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: IPADDR
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: SECDNS
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: IPADDR
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: Using authname ""
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: Name: "jcvlflcl77w"
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: MAGICNUM f6eac5aa
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: MRU 1492
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: AUTHPROTO CHAP MD5
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: MRU 1500
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: MAGICNUM 04c40ab9
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: AUTHPROTO CHAP MD5
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: MRU 1500
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: MAGICNUM 04c40ab9
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: MAGICNUM f6eac5aa
Dec 24 00:03:56 mpd: MRU 1492
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: is OK
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: IPADDR
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: is OK
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: IPADDR
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: is OK
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: IPADDR
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: is OK
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: IPADDR
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: is OK
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: IPADDR
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: is OK
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: IPADDR
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: is OK
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: IPADDR
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: is OK
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: IPADDR
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: is OK
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: IPADDR
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: IPADDR
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: SECDNS
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: IPADDR
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: is OK
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: IPADDR
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: SECDNS
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: IPADDR
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: Using authname ""
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: Name: "jcvlflcl77w"
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: MAGICNUM fa04a922
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: MRU 1492
Dec 24 00:03:50 mpd: AUTHPROTO CHAP MD5Thinking that perhaps my ISP had made some sort of change to only let their DSL modem do PPPoE (and not Customer Provided Equipment), I hooked my Mac directly up to my DSL modem while it was set to Bridged mode. I had never set up PPPoE on my Mac before, but I used the username from pfSense along with the password from there, and it immediately connected and worked just fine. I tried pfSense afterward in PPPoE mode, and it continued to do the above. (In fact, those log entries are from the last time that I tried.)
For the time being, I'm back to the DSL modem performing PPPoE and pfSense running in DHCP mode (with IP Pass-thru set on the DSL modem).
Could anyone shed any light on this? Am I the only one to experience this sort of issue?
By the way, the effect of using DHCP on my pfSense box in this case means I get a private IP handed to pfSense, so the next hop is the DSL modem. This pretty much makes my quality graph useless, since very rarely do I expect to ever have problems with the patch cable between my pfSense box and my DSL modem. :)
I'd much rather have the next hop past my DSL modem monitored by pfSense. If there was some way to specify the IP Address that the Quality graph pings? I've looked around the webGUI but haven't found any way to do this, unless I've just overlooked it.
While I am not sure what is causing your PPPOE issue you can change the quality graph IP address by modifying config.xml. Check out this thread:,3470.msg21418.html#msg21418
Thanks Scott, that got me fixed on the graph issue!
Not sure what's up with my strange PPPoE issue, but I honestly don't care which mode I run in as long as my pfSense box is accessible directly from the outside and the quality graph is showing useful information. I've had issues off and on with my ISP and this quality graph is very useful to me in being able to see a history of when issues started, etc.
Thanks again!
This is becoming a much larger issue. We have 4 clients in the field 2 Monos and 2 PFSenses. They all have developed the exact same PPPoE issue as you have described. They all went down starting last Friday. We have upgraded to the latest versions of both and the issue remains. It seems that BellSouth (AT&T) has made some change that has affected the PPPoE of these builds. Interestingly enough, it doesn't seem to affect the Linux PPPoE component. We use DD-WRT at 40 locations and none of these is having the issue. I say that not to be divisive, but to help find a solution.
We are going to try the beta version of Mono since it is on FreeBSD 6 and see if there is anything there. I will post back with any new info.
Post the PPPoE logs from one of the Bellsouth nodes. Why does this not surprise me that the new death star is changing everything. Heck I got a bill from these &(@#&(%#&@#@( for 50$ for a phone that I had for 2 days before they fixed it to be my old #. This new death star is ridiculous at every turn!
Ah, so I'm not the only one… Last week I had a client with Bellsouth DSL have their service stop working with m0n0wall. I couldn't get it working again with PPPoE no matter what I did, and Bellsouth's tech support is brain dead. I ended up having to leave the PPPoE on the modem with a private IP on the firewall's WAN, and let the modem NAT everything incoming to the firewall. Nasty solution but it was good enough for that site, and I had wasted enough time on it. Didn't realize it was a widespread issue.
But I also have other sites on Bellsouth business DSL with m0n0wall that do not have any PPPoE issues.
If anybody has further info on this please post to this thread. I renamed it to reflect the nature of the problem.
I'm having the same issue with Ma Bell. I can connect to PPPoE from windows XP directly (bypassing m0n0wall), but m0n0wall fails to connect. I have tried this using m0n0wall 1.22, 1.232, and 1.3b7. I've noticed that all 3 versions use the same (really old) version of mpd (3.18).
Here's the log. See attached for a wireshark trace of the direct-through-XP working scenario
Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] device: OPEN event in state DOWN Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] device is now in state OPENING Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] rec'd ACNAME "smyrgama72w" Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] PPPoE connection successful Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] device: UP event in state OPENING Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] device is now in state UP Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] link: UP event Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] link: origination is local Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: Up event Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: state change Starting --> Req-Sent Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: phase shift DEAD --> ESTABLISH Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: SendConfigReq #81 Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: MRU 1492 Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: MAGICNUM ee1bb960 Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: rec'd Configure Request #78 link 0 (Req-Sent) Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: MAGICNUM 719f7c11 Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: MRU 1500 Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: AUTHPROTO CHAP MD5 Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: SendConfigAck #78 Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: MAGICNUM 719f7c11 Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: MRU 1500 Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: AUTHPROTO CHAP MD5 Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: state change Req-Sent --> Ack-Sent Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: rec'd Configure Ack #81 link 0 (Ack-Sent) Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: MRU 1492 Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: MAGICNUM ee1bb960 Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: state change Ack-Sent --> Opened Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: phase shift ESTABLISH --> AUTHENTICATE Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: auth: peer wants CHAP, I want nothing Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: LayerUp Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] CHAP: rec'd CHALLENGE #1 Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: Name: "smyrgama72w" Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: Using authname "" Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] CHAP: sending RESPONSE Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] CHAP: rec'd SUCCESS #1 Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: authorization successful Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: phase shift AUTHENTICATE --> NETWORK Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] setting interface ng0 MTU to 1492 bytes Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] up: 1 link, total bandwidth 64000 bps Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: Up event Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: state change Starting --> Req-Sent Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: SendConfigReq #145 Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: IPADDR Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: PRIDNS Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: SECDNS Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: rec'd Configure Request #63 link 0 (Req-Sent) Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: IPADDR Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: is OK Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: SendConfigAck #63 Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: IPADDR Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: state change Req-Sent --> Ack-Sent Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: rec'd Configure Reject #145 link 0 (Ack-Sent) Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: SECDNS Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: SendConfigReq #146 Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: IPADDR Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: PRIDNS Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: rec'd Configure Nak #146 link 0 (Ack-Sent) Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: IPADDR Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: is OK Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: PRIDNS Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: SendConfigReq #147 Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: PRIDNS Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: rec'd Configure Nak #147 link 0 (Ack-Sent) Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: IPADDR Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: is OK Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: SendConfigReq #148 Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: PRIDNS Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: rec'd Configure Nak #148 link 0 (Ack-Sent) Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: IPADDR Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: is OK Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: SendConfigReq #149 Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: PRIDNS Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: rec'd Configure Nak #149 link 0 (Ack-Sent) Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: IPADDR Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: is OK Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: SendConfigReq #150 Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: PRIDNS Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: rec'd Configure Nak #150 link 0 (Ack-Sent) Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: IPADDR Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: is OK Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: SendConfigReq #151 Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: PRIDNS Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: rec'd Configure Nak #151 link 0 (Ack-Sent) Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: IPADDR Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: is OK Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: SendConfigReq #152 Dec 27 22:50:33 mpd: PRIDNS Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: rec'd Configure Nak #152 link 0 (Ack-Sent) Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: IPADDR Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: is OK Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: SendConfigReq #153 Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: PRIDNS Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: rec'd Configure Nak #153 link 0 (Ack-Sent) Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: IPADDR Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: is OK Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: SendConfigReq #154 Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: PRIDNS Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: rec'd Configure Nak #154 link 0 (Ack-Sent) Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: IPADDR Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: is OK Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: not converging Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: parameter negotiation failed Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: state change Ack-Sent --> Stopped Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: LayerFinish Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] bundle: CLOSE event in state OPENED Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] closing link "pppoe"... Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] link: CLOSE event Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: Close event Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: state change Opened --> Closing Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: phase shift NETWORK --> TERMINATE Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] setting interface ng0 MTU to 1500 bytes Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] up: 0 links, total bandwidth 9600 bps Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: Down event Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: state change Stopped --> Starting Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: LayerStart Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] closing link "pppoe"... Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: SendTerminateReq #82 Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: LayerDown Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] bundle: OPEN event in state CLOSED Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] opening link "pppoe"... Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] link: CLOSE event Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: Close event Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] link: OPEN event Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: Open event Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: state change Closing --> Stopping Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: rec'd Terminate Ack #82 link 0 (Stopping) Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: state change Stopping --> Stopped Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: phase shift TERMINATE --> ESTABLISH Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: LayerFinish Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] device: CLOSE event in state UP Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] device is now in state CLOSING Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] device: DOWN event in state CLOSING Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] device is now in state DOWN Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] link: DOWN event Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: Down event Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: state change Stopped --> Starting Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: phase shift ESTABLISH --> DEAD Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: LayerStart Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] device: OPEN event in state DOWN Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] pausing 6 seconds before open Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] device is now in state DOWN Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] device: OPEN event in state DOWN Dec 27 22:50:34 mpd: [pppoe] device is now in state DOWN
Here is my log -
Last 50 system log entries
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: IPADDR
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: is OK
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: SendConfigReq #126
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: PRIDNS
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: rec'd Configure Nak #126 link 0 (Ack-Sent)
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: IPADDR
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: is OK
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: not converging
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: parameter negotiation failed
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: state change Ack-Sent –> Stopped
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: LayerFinish
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] bundle: CLOSE event in state OPENED
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] closing link "pppoe"…
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] link: CLOSE event
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: Close event
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: state change Opened –> Closing
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: phase shift NETWORK –> TERMINATE
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] setting interface ng0 MTU to 1500 bytes
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] up: 0 links, total bandwidth 9600 bps
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: Down event
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: state change Stopped –> Starting
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: LayerStart
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] closing link "pppoe"…
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: SendTerminateReq #230
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: LayerDown
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] bundle: OPEN event in state CLOSED
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] opening link "pppoe"…
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] link: CLOSE event
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: Close event
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] link: OPEN event
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: Open event
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: state change Closing –> Stopping
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: rec'd Terminate Ack #230 link 0 (Stopping)
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: state change Stopping –> Stopped
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: phase shift TERMINATE –> ESTABLISH
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: LayerFinish
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] device: CLOSE event in state UP
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] device is now in state CLOSING
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] device: DOWN event in state CLOSING
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] device is now in state DOWN
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] link: DOWN event
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: Down event
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: state change Stopped –> Starting
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: phase shift ESTABLISH –> DEAD
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] LCP: LayerStart
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] device: OPEN event in state DOWN
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] pausing 6 seconds before open
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] device is now in state DOWN
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] device: OPEN event in state DOWN
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] device is now in state DOWN -
My DSL is doing the same. I get back from Christmas and I got a gift from AT$T. The gift of aggrivation. Gee thanks. If someone knows how to fix this, Please help!!!
Can someone get a tcpdump and dump all packets and then send it to us?
It appears to be failing around:
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: not converging
Dec 27 16:39:06 mpd: [pppoe] IPCP: parameter negotiation failed -
I am not going to be able to, we have switched out the eight routers that affected with temporary replacements. These are all at live locations.
Interestingly enough, this seems to be a widespread but not total. I have a pfsense @ home on a BellSouth account and it is still up and running. 10 miles away I have 2 clients that both have a Monowall and both were affected.
To sum up, we have a total of 8 locations all over Atlanta that were affected. It all started last Friday with some on Monday and one on Wednesday. It seems like they are upgrading something a little at a time.
I am happy to give a tcpdump if someone will explain how to do it. I have 2 dsl accounts. 1 in bridge mode (now not working) and 1 in router mode. I am happy to help however i can, but i am rather ignorant as to how
Has anyone called them to inquire about these changes?
I am sure someone there has a clue, but i don't think they let those people talk to customers on the phone. In other words, yes I have called and they say there is nothing wrong. the problem must be with our router. ???
I am sure someone there has a clue, but i don't think they let those people talk to customers on the phone. In other words, yes I have called and they say there is nothing wrong. the problem must be with our router. ???
Yes, but what do they say when you tell them it worked FINE until their changes a week ago?
I would put some heat on them. Lord knows that if my ISP did this to me, I would become their worst nightmare in no time.
Yes, but what do they say when you tell them it worked FINE until their changes a week ago?
I would put some heat on them. Lord knows that if my ISP did this to me, I would become their worst nightmare in no time.
Basically what happened in my case: I told them that everything was working fine until a couple of days ago. Asked if they changed something on their end. "My records don't show any changes…" They had me bypass the router completely and connect directly from XP. When this worked, they told me "it must be a problem with your router. What brand is it? Linksys? Netgear?" flips page in script I couldn't get them to pass me along to anyone more clueful.
I can probably get a trace of the pppoe connection. However, I'm not sure how to go about it, since I don't have a non-switch hub that I can use to snoop the traffic. Any suggestions?
Yeah, typical huge companies. That's really bad to hear.
This is also happening to our at&t/bellsouth dsl, north of atlanta.
I've spent some time doing some investigation on this issue. I set up freebsd on an old machine I had lying around to debug the problem. The first thing I tried was to try to establish a pppoe link using the more recent mpd4 instead of the mpd 3.18 that m0n0wall uses. Unfortunately, that didn't work; it failed with a similar error.
Next I tried capturing the network traffic to see what was going on. Here are the results. The first link is MPD 3.18 on freebsd, which is showing the problem. The second is a capture from the pppoe client on XP, which works. comparing the traffic, it seems that after getting the NAK from the server, MPD is not filling out the ip address from the NAK in the subsequent request. I am determined to get this working, so I am going to try to debug the problem and hopefully come up with a patch that fixes the problem.