Interest in 4 hour pfSense training session?
Possibly intreseted. Online.
Good morning everyone. Count me in. Im Interested. Im interested in 4 hour pfsense training session ONLINE (i cant afford to go there in America).. I can make it 8 hours a day 5 days in a week (from monday to friday) if you want.. No problem with me. Please count me in.
Davao City, Philippines -
I'm interested. Count me in.
I'm from Ecuador. It's har fro me to travel to US to attend a training.
Can you make a webinar ?
It will be awesome to learn pfSense in more detail. -
Maybe be it would good for people to list what they would like training on.
Ex.. Troubleshooting connection issues.
Configuring Multiwan with CARP failover…...
I'm interested primarily in the following topics:
1. Redundancy using CARP + MultiWAN
2. Configuring VPN
3. Captive Portal
4. QoS -
-CARP + MultiWAN
-VPNAnd anything else.
-All Packages :)
I agree totally:
IP-SECRoadwarrior support
I really love the product. It run's like a charm.
Same here. I would love to join an online training for pfsense.
Count me in.
Very interested!
Hello when was the launh or when to start?
1.2.2 -
Posibly interested about following issues:
- DualWAN / DualLAN
- TrafficShaping (urgently needed for above)
- Firewalling
- VPN (Roadwarrior / Net2Net)
- …
If possible only online, because my place is in Paraguay.
I am interested as well as long as it could be a webinar!
I'm too interested to participate online.
Interested, would attend if its online.
interested. online.
Count me in.
A tutorial will be held at BSDCan 2010 on 2010-05-12
More information available here
Can you attach or link vids/slides after the event for those of us that cannot attend?