Interest in 4 hour pfSense training session?
Very interested!
Hello when was the launh or when to start?
1.2.2 -
Posibly interested about following issues:
- DualWAN / DualLAN
- TrafficShaping (urgently needed for above)
- Firewalling
- VPN (Roadwarrior / Net2Net)
- …
If possible only online, because my place is in Paraguay.
I am interested as well as long as it could be a webinar!
I'm too interested to participate online.
Interested, would attend if its online.
interested. online.
Count me in.
A tutorial will be held at BSDCan 2010 on 2010-05-12
More information available here
Can you attach or link vids/slides after the event for those of us that cannot attend?
Can you attach or link vids/slides after the event for those of us that cannot attend?
We'll post slides, but much of it will be live demo so the slides won't be worth much on their own. Video is up to the conference, BSDCan videos never seem to end up getting put online if they're recorded at all. We'll be doing the same session online after BSDCan.
I´ll create a course on my Blog about pfSense, just mini-guide but in Portuguese. First I´m writting about another tool for network.
But great job as ever pfsense team ;)
Heitor Lessa
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