Remote access to certain pages
I would like to allow access to the file status_rrd_graph_img.php remotely, without prompting for a UN and password, but only on this specific file!
Ive had a look around, and I cant find any .htaccess files on the system, so how would I go about doing this?
This is not possible without altering code and that is not something we would recommend unless you are comfortable with PHP.
Well, I am pretty comfortable with Php, but still am not quite sure what I have to edit out?
Ive found the file, and that seems to be where lighty does all its authentication.
I suppose the other option I have is to push the rrd files out from the machine every 5 mins, or rsync them, modify the graph script and process them remotely?
I was looking for the same solution for some time.
I think rsyncing or SCP-ing them every 5 min is the best.
In 1.3 I thought this would be a feature.