Inbound/Outbound LAN/WAN Confusion
I have one host's traffic on my network that I'd really like my firewall to catch, in both directions.
For the purposes of traffic shaping and port forwarding, I've assigned aliases to the ports and host machine.I used the default traffic shaping rule as a template, and have successfully caught all outbound traffic as I wanted.
However, for the life of me, I cannot seem to figure out the direction/interface.Under floating rules I have:
- PortAlias * qGames for TCP
- PortAlias * qGames for TCP
- PortAlias * qGames for UDP
WAN interface, bidirectional.
I set up the rules to log and pass traffic, and logs verify it's all happy
- PortAlias * qGames for UDP
It's the inbound I can't figure out.
Can someone help me? I need interface, direction, source and port, destination and port, what to fill in, what to leave blank/as is.
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