Status_openvpn.php variable declare
currently i try to monitor to monitor established openvpn connections.
All information i want to monitor are avaible in the "status_openvpn.php" files (Status->Openvpn). I explored the PHP File and found the Variables i want to "export" (use in my own script)$rowIndex = 0; foreach ($server['conns'] as $conn): $rowIndex++; ?> '> /images/icons/icon_x.gif' height='17' width='17' border='0' onclick="killClient('', '');" style='cursor:pointer;' name='' title='' alt='' />
These are exactly those infomration i need.
My main problem is to find the PHP Function oder PHP file which provides the "$conn" variable.The second thing i found while xploring the code is
including the following to files which doesnt exist in "www" directory.require_once(""); require_once("");
so these part may be depracted ?
PS: sorry for my bad english
regards from Germany
Lol found it seconds after creating this thread…. i searched the wrong variable ...
the variable i needed was $server['conns'] not $conn.
i forgot how foreach works ....//
found the files under /etc/inc/....