Taming the beasts… aka suricata blueprint
This could also potentially be something like the WAN DHCP lease failing to renew correctly.
Instead of rebooting pfSense you might try instead:
Resaving the WAN settings.
Running ifconfig DOWN/UP on the WAN.
Disconnecting and resconnecting the WAN Ethernet cable.See if any of those restore connectivity.
Try running Suricata in non-blocking mode for a some time to test that.
You should also be able to clear to blocked hosts lists if that is happening and restore connectivity that way.@coliflower:
Suricata is running as default, pattern-match is AC, block and Barnyard2 is DISABLED.
He already told you what you need to do.
Go to "Services / Suricata / Edit Interface Settings - Your_Interface"Scroll down the page to where it says "Alert and Block Settings" Below that you'll see "Block Offenders" - UNcheck the box. Save, Apply.
It is DISABLED (not checked) …
Now, go to "Diagnostics / Tables", select "snort2c" from the dropdown menu - click "Empty Table".
Now I'm betting that your internet will be working again just as well as it does after you reboot it?
What I already did is to delete all states in Diagnostics/States/States … Unfortunately after I restarted the Suricata service to have Internet again :(
Diagnostic/Tables/snort2c is empty - maybe because the Suricata service is stopped ?
In the first step I will try to watch my Internet with stopped Suricata to see whether I will again lose the Internet connectivy or not - if this is not a bad idea …? ::)Over the next hours/days/weeks/months you'll need to analyze the alerts you see in Suricata and decide whether those alerts are false positives or not. Disable or suppress false positives as necessary.
DO NOT turn blocking back on until you have spent some time removing false positives (there will be a lot of them).
This was my original idea if I installed Suricata, unfortunately I never did :-[
WAF = Woman Acceptance Factor was very low after birthday of our second boy …Now it seems I need to do it but if never blocked the matched rules why I lost internet if this should be the root-cause of my problem ;D ?
Sorry for this question, I need to start to understand what I do :)[quote author=pfBasic link=topic=78062.msg737681#msg737681 date=1501541380]
If, after turning blocking back on your network has issues in the following days, your first suspicion should be suricata. Simply turn off blocking, clear your snort2c table and if all is well again then you know you have more false positives to weed out before you turn blocking back on.OK I will do but es described, I do not block … but let us see whether I will lose internet-connectivy with stopped Suricata service or not …
IDS/IPS are not plug and play. Learn them before you turn on blocking or you are just going to break things.
I beliefe you, therefore I did not enable blocking by hard :)
I need to start to understand the rules and the effects of them …Thank you for your help, too
This could also potentially be something like the WAN DHCP lease failing to renew correctly.
Instead of rebooting pfSense you might try instead:
Resaving the WAN settings.
Running ifconfig DOWN/UP on the WAN.
Disconnecting and resconnecting the WAN Ethernet cable.See if any of those restore connectivity.
OK, thank you, I will also try your advices if the symptom comes again :)
Are you using inline mode or legacy mode? Inline mode uses nmap which is very picky about NICs, it can bring your network down.
The package is „only“ installed on pfSense under Diagnostics … How can I find out inline/legacy mode, please :-[ ?
What could be the topic of nmap if Internet works before and causing troubles for some weeks ?
Thank you again :) !!
I'm a bit confused with the setup, can someone explain how this can work with a floating rule - quick action ? Wont that stop processing rules on groups/interfaces as soon as it matches ? How can I make pfsense process rulesets with quick enabled after it matches on a floating rule ?
Hi back after some „tests" :)
First of all, I still have some problem with having no Internet as described on July 31st … :’(
After restarting Securita I had Internet for some days.
At the day I again lost Internet, I restarted Securita to get Internet - after that I stopped their service to see whether some actions of Security are responsible for my problem …
As the Internet went lost again, I checked the UI and saw the Service of Suricata was enabled by ? even the uptime was some days (to see whether pfSense restarts them by their self).I have no idea what I could do or what could cause some symptom :-[ :’(
Any help is highly appreciated :)
go into suricata and disable inspection on each interface and save the settings. then you will see something along the lines of "DISABLED" on each of your interfaces in suricata.
Then go to diagnostics - tables and make sure the snort2c table is empty.
After all interfaces say DISABLED or something along those lines and your snort2c table is empty, you are no longer inspecting with suricata and can rule it out of your troubleshooting.
Thank you very much for your reply :-) !
I already did all your proposed topics - the snort2c table was always empty …
My next step will be to uninstall Suricata to - hopefully - get the final confirmation whether it is related to Suricata or not …So thank you very much for your help once again - I will - of course - replay if there are still some troubles
Have a nice week-end :-) !!
OK …
Suricata is uninstalled, unfortunately there are still interruption of Internet :-[I also figured out, if I unplug the WAN-cable an plug it again - it works again …
Even it ist not related to suricata, is there someone how can lead me to some topics I can read to continue to look for the root-cause ?
Any help is highly appreciated :)
Thanks a lot in advance !
Did you try those tests I suggested? What was the result, did any of them restore access?
Resaving the WAN settings.
Yes I did, I was able to connect to Internet.
Running ifconfig DOWN/UP on the WAN.
No, did not :-[
To be honest, I do not know what exactly I have to do - sorry :-[[quote]Disconnecting and resconnecting the WAN Ethernet cable.
Yes, that was my last test (Internet OK)Dariusz
Ah Ok. Interesting.
So to manually bring down and rebuild the interface run at the CLI or from Diag > Command Prompt:
ifconfig em0 down
ifconfig em0 up
Where em0 is your WAN interface, swap that for whatever interface your actual WAN is.
If that brings back up your connectivity then it shows that simply reloading the existing settings in pfSense can do it. Physically re-connecting it also resets whatever it's connected to and re-saving recreates the settings if they are lost.
Check the system log to see what events were triggered when you ran that. There should be something there to point to the problem.Steve
Thank you Steve,
I will check that if this failure occurs again :)
My interface is re0 …Dariusz
Hi All,
Very new to Pfsense, just started to research snort and suricata. Came to this post and have read through it but still stuck. I am using Pfsense 2.3.4 and open VPN client with PIA, I have NAT setup to direct lan / wan to the PIA interface. I have a firewall rule for lan on LANnet to use the PIA DHCP gateway.As soon as I apply the below instructions, my internet access shuts down. Note only interfaces I have are LAN, WAN, PIA, OpenVPN (not used and does not exist, not sure why its on the list)
"Next up Floating tab:
Set up a rule but make these changes:
Action Block
Quick TICKED!!!
Interface Hold CTRL and click on all interfaces EXCEPT LAN(admin) and SYNC
Direction any
Source any
Destination any"I think I am misunderstanding this portion
"Head over to an interface's tab and set up a an allow rule. Source should be the interface's subnet. The destination should be any, and for the ports use the outgoing_ports alias created above. Destination should be any. Otherwise identical to the webgui rule. Warning! This allows any host to access any other host on other interfaces using those ports. If this is not needed (and generally it shouldn't), finish the rule, and head over to the floating rules tab."
What am I supposed to do here? The floating rule takes precedent over all other rules 1st, any rule after this would still be blocked no? I added another LAN firewall rule and set source to LANNet and destination ports to the outbound port alias and no luck.
Any tips?
Thanks!I’m also confused by this part of the first post in the thread. I realize it’s pretty old but I’m sure a lot of new folks start searching around to learn about setting up their firewall and end up reading this thread. That being said, is there any reason to setup a floating rule that blocks all traffic? It seems like a better way is to simply delete the rule that’s automatically created on the LAN interface that allows outbound traffic to ‘any’. By doing that, aren’t you blocking all traffic both in (by default based on how pfSense is designed) and out of your network? From there, simply create rules on the interface for your specific needs (i.e. HTTP, HTTPS, DNS, IMAP, etc.). If I’m understanding this correctly, this would only allow traffic that I specify outbound.
So again, what is the purpose of setting up a floating rule to block all traffic versus the method I mentioned above? The only thing I can possibly think of is that it would block outgoing traffic if it wasn’t originating from your LAN, but for a basic home setup with only one router (subnet), I don’t think it would matter since that’s the only interface outbound traffic would be coming from.
I think I figured it out after watching more YouTube videos and doing more reading. I posted an explanation of my understanding of basic firewall rules on the pfsense reddit forum (https://www.reddit.com/r/PFSENSE/comments/79xzqi/basics_on_firewall_rules/?utm_content=title&utm_medium=hot&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=PFSENSE).One thing that still doesn't make sense on the very first post is this section:
Next up Floating tab:
Set up a rule but make these changes:
Action Block
Quick TICKED!!!
Interface Hold CTRL and click on all interfaces EXCEPT LAN(admin) and SYNC
Direction any
Source any
Destination anyMy understanding is that you would want 'Quick' to be NOT SELECTED (i.e. un-ticked). Otherwise, no matter what rules you create, it's always going to see that floating rule first and the frame/packets stop there (unless they are automation rules or NAT rules which will occur before any user defined rule). In other words, none of your user defined rules will be executed. If 'Quick' is NOT SELECTED, this would still assess that rule first, but it wouldn't apply it until all of your user defined rules have been assessed and none of them were applicable.
In your firewall rules you need to set the destination port range to the webgui ports you just changed
Thank you for this great guide. Question though. If one is on Openvpn how does that change this configuration and would interface of vpn provider be treated as wan or just set same rules on vpn interface.
How is the security effected by using openvpn as related to this topic.
@shred yup, I've been there, I also got confuse about that. but that rule is to block other interface to access management port. some of the link or pictures of this guide did not retrieve when netgate upgrade their forum.
N NollipfSense referenced this topic on