Bounty For Pfsense Captive Portal auto password generator. 50$-100$
Hey guys need a package or something to setup a hotspot system that changes the password on a set day of the week and emails the passcode to a email.
Please I need this done asap
Sam -
Do you still need this feature?
Hey guys need a package or something to setup a hotspot system that changes the password on a set day of the week and emails the passcode to a email.
i use the following:
userspassword="`/usr/bin/openssl rand -base64 1024 | /usr/bin/tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | /usr/bin/head -c 8 | /usr/bin/xargs`"
The Variable (userspassword) could be used to mail the info to your endusers. I use this in some shell scripts to generate and reset passwords. The new password is sent via Test Message (SMS) and Mail to the endusers.
There is a much easier way to do it by use urandom! But i figure out, that sometimes the TR hangs on pfSense (Most of the time on amd64 systems, that I use a lot). The more complex way above seems to run well on all tested i386 an amd64 installations ;-)
BTW: You might want to change the head -c 8 to whatever you like :-) I like to set passwords with 8 std. chars. A friend ask me to change it to someting like this:
userspassword="`/usr/bin/openssl rand -base64 1024 | /usr/bin/tr -dc a-z1-9 | /usr/bin/head -c 4 | /usr/bin/xargs`"
Just 4 Chars (lowercase) and no 0. I never asked why ;-)
/JH -
is there any way to do this i need to do this for a mass setup?
Like a step by step guide sorry still a newbie at pfsense,
is there any way to do this i need to do this for a mass setup?
Like a step by step guide sorry still a newbie at pfsense,
You can Bulk import the users to your Radius and/or Portal User Base.If you use a radius server (eg. FreeRadius) with DBMS (eg. MySQL) you can import them directly to your database.
Another way could be:
Import the User via WGET/CURL from a List of's like type them all in via the web interface, but it's automated.
I did that a while ago, but it is a lot of work to do it via WGET/CURL! For one major reason: Performance and Error handling.