Squidguard and Netflix
Hi all.
I'm having a strange problem that I've recreated in my test lab and wondering if anyone else has had the same experience? The issue just began to occur recently.
Whenever I have Squidguard enabled (even with everything whitelisted) I can get onto Netflix but as soon as I select a movie it gives me an N8202 error (it begins to buffer and then gives me the error before anything starts). When I disable squidguard I'm able to watch netflix perfectly. I assumed when this first happened there was something in one of the squidguard categories that was causing the problem but when I white-listed everything the problem persisted. It wasn't until I disabled squidguard (by deselecting and applying the change) did netflix start working again.
I then did a fresh install of squid3-dev and squidguard-squid3 in a virtual machine and tried to connect to Netflix and I got the exact same error.
Has anyone experienced the same thing? If so, were you able to solve it?
Thanks in advance.
Chon -
Hi all.
For anyone who had this same issue, I finally solved it.
Under "Proxy filter" -> "Common ACL", I had checked the item "Do not allow IP-Addresses in URL". When I un-checked this option I was able to finally access Netflix without any problems.
Nice catch.
Thanks, finally fixed my netflix issue. Ditto, nice catch.
Thanks for this!
Hi would you know how to fix this problem on a Mac by any chance :) thank you