WebGUI timeouts after adding static leases
I don't know if this is a webGUI problem or a dhcpd one.
I'm using pfSense 2.1.3 in a HA setup with CARP, pfsync, and dhcp failover.
Both are running on a HP ProLiant DL320e Gen8 with Intel
Currently i've got about 500+ static leases and activated "Deny unknown clients".
Everytime i add or change a static lease, it takes up to 10minutes to apply and in the meantime the dhcpd is disabled.
Also a few times it took about 15mins and i've got a timeout, then i had to restart the dhcpd manually.Maximum execution time of 900 seconds exceeded in /usr/local/www/services_dhcp.php on line 84
Before i added 500+ static leases and enabled "Deny unknown clients" everything was just running fine.
Any ideas ?
also, from time to time this error (see attachment) occurs, while editing the dhcpd settings.
When you press Save on that page it attempts to clean the DHCP lease database. If the lease database is very, very large it can take a long time to do.
How large is your DHCP lease database? Check /var/dhcpd/var/db/ and look at the file sizes.
-rw-r–r-- 1 root _dhcp 867k Oct 22 14:16 dhcpd.leases
-rw-r--r-- 1 dhcpd _dhcp 2.4M Oct 22 14:04 dhcpd.leases~I guess thats not that big, right ?