NUT Dashboard Widget (2.1.4)
Makes sense - thanks again for the awesome widget!
Removed the old patches, installed the new ones -> not working for me now … :(.
Have others tried this out?
Removed the old patches, installed the new ones -> not working for me now … :(.
Have others tried this out?
Read my "warning" notes from initial post (#26) about wrong path in patches and how to workaround this. For me this workaround works.
Sorry, missed the note … :(. Yep, works now - though I have 2 UPS Status widgets available afterwards.
Sorry, missed the note … :(. Yep, works now - though I have 2 UPS Status widgets available afterwards.
If you see two versions of widget - old and new, it mean that old version was not removed by reverting and removing old patches. And you need manualy remove it.
Old widget parts is (see patch contents):
$stats['nut'] = get_nutstats(true); + function get_nutstats() - in /usr/local/www/includes/
updateNutStats(values[14]); + function updateNutStats(x) - in /usr/local/www/javascript/index/ajax.js -
Nope - none of these items are there. But not a biggie. Thanks!
Widget was merged to NUT package!
If you have installed old or new version of widget, remove it:
1. Revert and remove patches.
2. Verify to remove widget parts if it`s not removed by patches:
a) old version, remove:
/usr/local/www/widgets/widgets/ups.widget.php (and ups.widget.php.orig if exist)
/usr/local/www/widgets/include/ (and if exist)
$stats['nut'] = get_nutstats(true); + function get_nutstats() - in /usr/local/www/includes/ (backup and remove if exist - important system file)
updateNutStats(values[14]); + function updateNutStats(x) - in /usr/local/www/javascript/index/ajax.js (backup and remove ajax.js.orig if exist - important system file)b) new version, remove:
/usr/local/www/widgets/widgets/ups_status.widget.php (and ups_status.widget.php.orig if exist)
/usr/local/www/widgets/include/ (and ups_status.widget.php.orig if exist)
/usr/local/www/widgets/javascript/ups_status.js (and ups_status.js.orig if exist)3. After that you can update your nut package and add "UPS Status" widget to dashboard.
Works pretty well, finally can drop the local patches. 8)
Works great - thanks!!!
Nice work! I have been waiting for this to arrive since moving to PFSense a couple of months ago…...grin
good job, very useful, thank you.