PFsense on Vmware Workstation 8
Hi folks,
This is my first post on this forum.Its been just over a week since deploying PFsense 2.1.5 has my firewall in my environment of 30 workstations.
I am running PFsense on VMware with host OS as Windows server 2008 which by the way is the domain controller and DNS and DHCP server.
My client machines are running on Windows 7 Professional with the latest service packs.
Everything works fine from NAT to Firewal rules however my only issue at the moment is my rdp service from an external link or IP authenticates successfully with username and password but immediately shows up a black screen. The mouse pointer is visible but the screen is black.Has anyone come across this issue in their time with PFsense , alternatively can someone suggest what setting i should check to resolve this issue.
Thanks in advance. :)