How to Store the Password in pfSense Permanently?
I have a VPN I connect to with pfSense OpenVPN client. It requires a username and password, and that requirement I can not change. How can I store the password in pfSense and have it survive updates? It is very frustrating that I can not upgrade the system flawlessly. It should be an option in the web UI to input the OpenVPN client username + password. If you say disable the password and only use the certificate, what is the point if the certificate is stored in pfSense anyways?
Currently I have this in the manual configuration:
auth-user-pass /etc/openvpn-password.txt
But after an upgrade /etc/openvpn-password.txt is gone.
That option exists on 2.2 in the OpenVPN client settings.
On 2.1.x, place your file in /root/ or /conf/ and it should carry over between updates.