Openvpn mtu-test info This connection is unable to accomodate a UDP
I upgrade my system to the latest 2.1.5 i386.
My ovpn logs show me this:
openvpn[8177]: NOTE: Empirical MTU test completed [Tried,Actual] local->remote=[1557,1445] remote->local=[1557,1557]
openvpn[8177]: NOTE: This connection is unable to accomodate a UDP packet size of 1557. Consider using –fragment or --mssfix options as a workaround.I have 2 clients site2site 1 use PPPoE, the other is DHCP.
After running the test both logs show the same values for my 2 clients.
remote=[1557,1445] remote->local=[1557,1557]
Can someone explain me this info? and how can I start playing with this values for:
mssfixThis parameters goes just in the server side?
Any help will be appreciated, thanks.
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