Netflix being filtered..
Ok so Im running pfsense 2.1.5, Squid 3.1.20, and Squidguard 1.4_4. I have created a target category with the following domains:
And I checked Log to enable logging for this ACL. Under both Common and Groups ACL I created entries whitelisting that category and enabled logging again.When I hot my Roku device, open a movie in Netflix it will play.. for about 50% then it 'loses connection'. Trying to restart that movie results in connection lost issues. I check the Squid and Squidgaurd logs and nothing it logged about either of those two ACL's so I'm a bit lost right now.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I have no experience wirh Netflix, but Squid appears to have issues with streaming providers. You might try to nypass netflix in Squid, not in SquidGuard.
In SquidGuard \ Common ACL do you have 'Do not allow IP-Addresses in URL' enabled?
Nope.. do not allow ip addresses in URLs is NOT enabled.
Klaws, can you give me a pointer on that? I thought I did have Squid (not squid guard) whitelisting netflix.
I added those same domains to the ACL under proxy server whitelist, and under the General tab for Bypass proxy for these destination IPs.
It's been a while.. I know. I don;t watch Netflix so I had to wait for the kids to give it another try and the changes I made apparently resolved it. Woot.
The netflix player uses IP address to pull content, so your ACL's by domain name may not work once the player gets going.
See my reply in a similar thread about Netflix streaming and how to find the CIDR range to bypass in squid: