Where is the documentation?
yes oddly enough your first post 5 days ago (https://forum.pfsense.org/index.php?topic=83065.msg454681#msg454681), only got 5 replies with suggestions.
then you decided not to continue that thread.then you started this thread to blame the entire community, for having crappy documentation.
then you are surprised that you are being called a troll.
sorry for
There is something I would wish for:
I wish there was a automatic server that builds a PDF of the https://doc.pfsense.org site.
This way you can have a more or less up to date offline documentation of pfSense available to download whenever you want.
Interesting suggestion. I bet there's a 'wiki downloader' of something similar that would do it, probably better. It might even be syncable.
Would this do ? http://www.httrack.com/
Would this do ? http://www.httrack.com/
No. This just downloads a website which wget can do.
Something fully automated by a server that makes a organized PDF document on the fly.
It's the sort of thing I would expect to exist but a quick google doesn't show much that's promising. The search gets bogged down by code to download the whole of wikipedia though. ::)
It's the sort of thing I would expect to exist but a quick google doesn't show much that's promising. The search gets bogged down by code to download the whole of wikipedia though. ::)
Sadly, I think it would have to be created inhouse by pfSense. And its not that easy to implement.
There are mediawiki plugins to generate such a document on the server side, though I'm not sure if it would be a good idea to implement or not. People might mistake that for the actual book. Not to mention it would take quite a bit of space/cpu time to generate.
I've played quite a lot with mediawiki to pdf exporters.
My conclusion is that none are satisfying. You always get a lot of mis-formatted stuff. -
Better than nothing when you just hosed your pfSense install and have no internet connection?
Then you could have an offline copy of pfsense and even the forum using httrack ?