Having trouble setting up wireless card
Hello, I've been using pfsense for a while now. Its very recently I've decided to install the wireless card. But at first I wasnt aware that only certain cards works with pfsense. then I found CISCO AIRONET AIR-PCI350 Wireless LAN Network Adapter which was one of the card mentioned in one of the article about supported card. But I've been trying to make it work for past 2 days without any result and I couldnt find much help online about wireless card installation. I've attached the screenshot plz let me know what i can do. Thank you
It looks like Aironet cards does not support hostap (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AojFUXcbH0ROdHgwYkFHbkRUdV9hVWljVWl5SXkxbFE&hl=en#gid=0)
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