DSL + Virtualbox + PFSense (ultimate goal, captive portal for wifi)
Help me out guys :)
What am I doing wrong, or if you could push me in a direction .. here is my network layout / notes / dashboard (attached):
Short summary: PFSense pings out to WAN and anywhere just fine, but wifi clients can't browse to WAN, although they can ping with reply. Ultimately I want a captive portal (starbucks style) for wifi users. What am I doing wrong? laptop users can ping pfsense and router and, so why can the laptops not browse WAN (yahoo.com etc)? Pinging yahoo.com (or it's real ip) all times out. Tracert with goes thru pfsense and straight out the external ip address – super! So why not anything else??
EDIT 3: My ENTIRE setup is here below (SUPER clean, I promise):
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1tkv4f54K9KuRVhPLdwBzgcaeBpYM4kzgtFTgbtkMA_w/edit?usp=sharing -
bump to also add epic network layout/map (ultra clean, I promise – updated OP with this link, too):
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1tkv4f54K9KuRVhPLdwBzgcaeBpYM4kzgtFTgbtkMA_w/edit?usp=sharingThis has all major settings. I really want this fixed, so put some effort into it so you guys can read it easily :P
Looks like you need to bump again.
I am also trying to get pfsense working under virtualbox and finding it frustrating as no one seems to want to support the concept.
Can you send me your configuration so I can look through it? I am not an expert by any means but i might just see something that you are missing.
If nothing else, we can commiserate with each other!
I would change or "isolate" DHCP LAN to another class of IP. Class C "bridge" to Class C (vice versa Class A to Class A and/or Class B to Class B) has always been a bad practice. If i may suggest, Class C to Class B , Class C for your DHCP WAN and Class B for your LAN. See if that would show another path to take on.
The answer for me was – my schema worked, but I went crazy thinking I had weird issues with my setup.. ended up just being my NIC card. You NEED 2 nic cards without the 2nd one being ghetto in any form. Mine was ghetto :P
I ended up doing this:
This is about as detailed/friendly as it gets. Please note the 2nd slide for details. Good luck ;)