HTTP_REFERER error after Suricata install
I'm currently administrating two networks using pfsense (one running in ESXI, one physical). They have both been running fine for months without trouble.
After installing and running the Suricata package on both sites I've been getting HTTP_REFERER errors both when attempting to log in to the webGUI (both through OpenVPN and locally).An HTTP_REFERER was detected other than what is defined in System -> Advanced (http://192.168.X.X/index.php). You can disable this check if needed in System -> Advanced -> Admin.
On the virtual setup of pfsense I also get the following error printed.
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /etc/inc/ on line 801 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /etc/inc/ on line 801
Has anyone else experienced this? Can this be related to Suricata?
Any solutions? Only solution I see right now is to connect through console and roll back. -
Suricata should not be the cause of the error. The file with the foreach() error is not a Suricata file. It is a pfSense system file. The error is happening in the section of code where the firewall is attempting to iterate over the configured firewall interfaces.
Have you made any other changes to the firewalls or to the host you are connecting from?