Slow GUI aginst m0n0wall
same hardware
why so slow on pfsense gui, on m0n0wall is so quick? -
Why not ask why a apple tastes different than a pear?
You really need to supply more information. What page? What version of m0n0wall? What version of pfSense? Would be some nice starter information.
pfsense 1.2 (24.feb.08)
mono 1.3b10
same story on pfsense 1.2rc4, rc3, and mono 1.3b9, b8,..same hardware(wrap),
any page(example fw rules) on mono <1sec
any page(example fw rules too) at least 2sec
clean install on both, mono and pf
same store on firefox(pc and mac) and IE7(pc)Why not ask why a apple tastes different than a pear?
You really need to supply more information. What page? What version of m0n0wall? What version of pfSense? Would be some nice starter information.
Please add some more specs about your hardware. pfSense CAN run on embedded systems for example whereas m0n0 was DESIGNED for embedded systems. They have a different memory footprint, different features, m0n0 runs completely from ran once it's up, pfSense runs from a mounted filesystem, they use different webservers for the webgui, etc.
Oops, overread that. Thanks jahonix. I have seen some slowlyness especially on such systems too. There is a cache setting that can be tuned (see ). You can play around with that value by editing the file at diagnostics>edit file. After changing the cache-size please reboot and retest the webgui. Maybe install fasterfox as it has a pageloadtimer to measure the differences. In the past this value made a big difference in performance. The interesting thing is that if set this to a too high value the performance is going down again, so the bigger the better doesn't work here (besides that you only have 128 mb RAM on a wrap anyway). If you find much better performance with a different setting please let us know.
I am running v1.2 as well, on a system with 512mb ram, a 2.6 northwood celeron, and a 40gig WD hd. The gui does seem pretty slow, haven't firgured it out myself. Other than that it's a dream come true.