APU1D with LTE Huawei ME909u-521
I am afraid the Sierra flasher and even the switcher utility require a SIM. Maybe there is an Ubuntu tool for mode switching. QMI has only recently been integrated in their NetworkConnection Manager. Just some thoughts…
That or spring for a Sim adapter for your laptop. I have other threads here with details.
Ebay guy has these nice ones back in stock, I used these on my Aopen DE5100 MIFI i built for our IT guy..http://www.ebay.com/itm/MM3U-DB3U-V1-1-DB3U-to-MiniCard-Vertical-Extender-with-SIM-Card-Slot-M-Factors-/321630468105
You actually break the end off for a half to full slot.Wicked. -
And steven is correct those USB-mPCI-e adapters will work as i mounted a MC7700 in a custom dongle I made for a usb only rig. You don't need antennas for flashing. Sierra picked it up fine in that device. I didn't flash any cards in it -but the connection manager works well and transparently. At $8 bucks ebay and more durable than $4 dollar sim adapter with 2 sided tape. I made a little box out of nylon and stuck the usb connector out the end. rp-sma for antenna jack. Cheezzy lid. Works.
Some more brain candy:
So The Sierra MC7700 module eeprom has 15 slots for "profiles"
Factory sealed Sierra Cards have no #1 profile, which once written cannot be removed. The other 14 slots can deleted and rearranged but #1 -once written- is permanent(even after rom upgrade). Is is written from the SIM card on first initialization of the Connection Manager and stores it on the Windows computer as well.. So for Instance you have an ATT SIM put in your new device with Sierra MC77xx module it will write the profile from the ATT SIM to slot #1 and it will always use this as default. So not quite carrier locked as you can use other slots but #1 always take precedence. I have also read that you can have both DIP and QMI profiles. So maybe the Seirra Windows Mode Switcher just sets the other profile active–That is just a guess-.
So here is the file for the Sierra MC7700 Mode Switcher Utility.
search for:
BZ31018_DIP_QMI_ModeSwitch.zipI am unsure if you can use this without flashing to DIP first.
That is all i have ever done -Flashed new to DIP then switched back to QMI trying out Ubuntu.
You may not need to to flash the ROM first to use Mode Switcher. Next new card i will try it.On windows I am using these DIP files
Firmware: SWI9200M_3.5-Release5-SWI9200X_03.05.20.03
Drivers Build 3795
Watcher 3830 -
Thanks for all your help so far guys! Highly appreciated !
I've ordered a USB2miniPCIe adaptor right away !
It will probably be some 10-20 days until it arrives (item is located in china, and delivery from that part of the world usually takes a while)
Once received and the DIP flashing given a shot, I'll get back right away and let you know what happened.
Have a nice sunday ! :)
Hi guys,
I got my USB-2-miniPCIe adaptor by post today.
The adaptor seems to work well, the Sierra MC7710 was recognized right away, and after finding the drivers for the MC7710 on a Fujitsu Siemens webpage, I was able to run the Mode Switcher program, and get a positive result on the switch to DIP.The adaptor offers room for the SIM aswell, and I had the SIM which I'm planning to use, inserted while switching to DIP. (hopefully this was a wise thing to do?)
So far, so good.
Back in the APU1D, the Sierra MC7710 was now recognized with 6 ports, just like you predicted.
And, within the PPP settings, I'm now able to choose between cuaU0.0 –> cuaU0.5.I've tried every single one of them, followed up with a reboot of the PF sense, but I doesn't seem to get any IP on the PPP assigned port (OPT2).
I'm really not sure how to proceed from here - - any suggestions guys ?
Do I need to flash the MC7710 with new firmware ? ( haven't been able to find any )- or do I need to inject some driver or likewise into the PF sense installation ?
Your help and input is highly appreciated !
Have a nice weekend
//mike -
No that should do it. You have it all good.
I can say from here you can take several troubleshooting routes. This website has old information but it is relevant.
If you have access to the console you can start here. The PPP stuff from command prompt is relevant.
Do not be distracted by the "ppp.conf" section. PfSense no longer uses that. They now use MPD5.
So also checkout your PPP log in system logs. Post it if unsure how to interpret.
A few things just to doublecheck. Did you use Windows sierra connection manager(Watcher) and make sure all is actually good with your SIM/Antenna/Connection.. Not actually needed but it helped me a great deal. Since you have all the goods -might as well make absolutely sure all good before diving into pfSense.
Part of that comes back to my previous post about profiles on the card. Did you buy a "New" card from known dealer? Some ebay cards sold as new have a profile already and card defaults to it. It may not be what you need for your cell network. Sierra Watcher allows you to pick profiles so if your carrier is not in the list make a new profile and connect with it. Something goes on in the background between the Sim and radio and it writes the profile to the card. SIM initialization is the text shown onscreen. Then it is usable on your network. Maybe profile 2 but it will work fine.
If you fire up Sierra Watcher and it has no default profile it is truly new and you should write the default profile you prefer by connection with the carrier.
And i would consider upgrading flashing to the latest firmware. I want maximum tower compatibility with my modules.
Hi Phishfry
Thanks for all your help so far.
I've put the MC7710 back in the adaptor, and installed the Sierra Watcher.
It seems to work ok, it indicates that there is plenty of signal, and 3G service is detected. It also recognizes my ISP.
This means the SIM and Antenna is ok, right ?When checking under profiles, there doesn't seem to be any (yet). The card was sold as "new", and this seems to be the truth.
I haven't put any profiles in yet though - I fear to do so (wrongly), since I've read somewhere that at least Profile 1 once made, can never be changed again.
Is this true ?Is a profile needed for the MC7710 to work with PF sense ?
Should I use the "Sierra Mode Switcher" to change back from DIP again, before making a profile ? Would it work in the Sierra Watcher if I left the card in DIP mode ?
If I need to make a profile for the card to work with PF sense, I'm unsure about a few settings within the profile :Would it be right to se "Connection Type" to Autoconnect?
and "PDP type" to PPP ?I see the profile needs to know the APN, but then shouldn't it know the dialnumber *99# too then ? or is this controlled by the Pf Sense ?
well, I went on and created a profile called "0".
With the PDP settings "IP" I was able to connect to the internet, via the USB adaptor and Windows7.
- but the PF sense still refuses.
I've tried changing the profile setting PDP to "PPP", with the result that neither Windows or PF sense can make connection.
I've tried every single port out of 6 with both settings, without any luck. It just won't wash.
The PPP Log comes out with the same result every time; and I guess it makes perfect sense that the connection doesn't work with the modem not responding to AT; but I can't really figure out why it doesn't respond.. ?
Jan 25 12:38:09 ppp: [opt2_link0] CHAT: The modem is not responding to "AT" at ModemCmd: label.
Jan 25 12:38:09 ppp: [opt2_link0] MODEM: chat script failed
Jan 25 12:38:09 ppp: [opt2_link0] Link: DOWN event
Jan 25 12:38:09 ppp: [opt2_link0] LCP: Down event
Jan 25 12:38:09 ppp: [opt2_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 3 in 3 seconds
Jan 25 12:38:12 ppp: [opt2_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 3
Jan 25 12:38:25 ppp: [opt2_link0] CHAT: The modem is not responding to "AT" at ModemCmd: label.
Jan 25 12:38:25 ppp: [opt2_link0] MODEM: chat script failed
Jan 25 12:38:25 ppp: [opt2_link0] Link: DOWN event
Jan 25 12:38:25 ppp: [opt2_link0] LCP: Down event
Jan 25 12:38:25 ppp: [opt2_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 4 in 3 seconds
Jan 25 12:38:28 ppp: [opt2_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 4
Jan 25 12:38:42 ppp: [opt2_link0] CHAT: The modem is not responding to "AT" at ModemCmd: label.
Jan 25 12:38:42 ppp: [opt2_link0] MODEM: chat script failed
Jan 25 12:38:42 ppp: [opt2_link0] Link: DOWN event
Jan 25 12:38:42 ppp: [opt2_link0] LCP: Down event
Jan 25 12:38:42 ppp: [opt2_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 5 in 3 seconds
Jan 25 12:38:45 ppp: [opt2_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 5Where did I go wrong ? Might it be I need another firmware ?
If another firmware might be needed, have you any hints where I might find such ?
Have a nice sunday !
I think I may have found some firmware; at sources@sierrawireless.com
There seems to be two available versions, the QMI and the DIP.
MC7710 T-Mobile approved firmware SWI9200X_03.00.11.00 QMI
MC7710 T-Mobile approved firmware SWI9200X_03.00.11.00 DIP
Do you think I should try my luck with one of these ?
Well if you had it working in Windows i wouldn't worry about firmware for now. Let me digest your log. You are on cuaU0.4 for interface?
Did you try any of the PPP things on that website from console? If you set it to the correct interface in PPP settings(cuaU0.4) -when you type PPP under shell what does it reply? Be advised PPP under console has Echo Off and you will not see what you type in PPP mode until the proper commands are sent(Echo on). Just pulling up console will tell you more. From your log it is does not look like the hardware is correct. -
I will pull up my pfSense mifi and post some screen caps under my mifi thread. I have rethought the firmware flash and say flash it with the newest DIP mode(I am slight concerned about using the tmobile version). I am really in pretty deep here as I don't actually own MC7710 but do have MC7700 and MC7750 and they both use same toolset. Plus with us being in different continents!! Maybe out of my league here. I can tell you you are on the right path. Now it may take weeks of trying settings to truly master it…It took me a while to get it going. Short of a hardware incompatibility you are in the back strech. You are certain that the board you are using takes mini-pciE cards of the USB variety?? Aka an 3G/4G slot. With a sim onboard it has to have one. Make sure your in the correct slot for 3G/4G radios.
Funky hardware issues i have encountered. USB weirdness. Watch your USB device assignment the Ugen. I had one machine that went 4G funky if i plugged the USB keyboard in on bootup. After bootup no problem. So there are some things to ponder as well.When in Windows you used the DIP mode drivers and watcher correct? Does your carrier require any login credentials/authentication or is it all handled by the SIM like here for GSM?
What worries me is I saw a wise pfMaster saying use a cheap laptop for pfSense and I went and bought any old laptop to build a mifi. A dell mini 10. I found it had 3G option so SIM slot and actual MiniPCIe slot. Plus it has wifi. Anyway i went to put a Sierra radio in it to upgrade the Dell DW5541(ericsson) and it wasn't recognized by Windows. Very odd. Come to find out the slot is miniPCIe but of the pure miniPCIe type with no USB interface. So the slot only works with the newer CDC style ethernet wireless cell modems in Windows (Ericsson,Novatel,Huawei) but no support in pfSense yet.
Reason i bring that up is you have flashed the module and used it in one machine(good) but we don't know for sure its working in the APU1D. Specs for the board are vague.
Expansion: 2 miniPCI express (one with SIM socket)
That don't tell you if it supports both Pure and USB miniPCIe (As my Commell SBC computer does) Or one of each, or neither. You need to find out. It really matters. Sorry if I steered you in the wrong direction.
I read the PDF for your APU1D and it has the same spec for miniPCIe slots
Expansion: 2 miniPCI express (one with SIM socket)
But i do see that J16 is for 3G modem. That is the middle slot of the three.
After looking at some specifications i see that miniPCIe is really a mess
Here is what wikipedia says.The host device supports both PCI Express and USB 2.0 connectivity, and each card may use either standard. Most laptop computers built after 2005 use PCI Express for expansion cards.
I think that most machines that won't handle either types of mini-PCIe card are mainly notebook computers which are not made to be upgraded or bios whitelisted slots. Dell, IBM and HP come to mind.
I see a Linux bios on the APU and the fact that its called a "3G" slot leads me to believe a USB variant mPCIe module will work. Most all 3G radios were USB/Serial at heart. With 4G we see Ethernet interfaces prevalent. The MC77xx is the exception.
And if you have the 6 ports found on bootup for the Sierra then all is good. Infact if you have PPP interfaces cuaU0.0 thru cuaU0.5 available then all is good. Really down to troubleshooting the software.
If your comfortable with console this is a good start.
remember my echo tip -
I posted some screenshots in the wireless section for you to checkout. Maybe different setup then yours but my PPP log is there to checkout.
_With the PDP settings "IP" I was able to connect to the internet, via the USB adaptor and Windows7.- but the PF sense still refuses.
I've tried changing the profile setting PDP to "PPP", with the result that neither Windows or PF sense can make connection._
I am unsure what that is at all. I am guessing in the Windows Watcher? I don't remember changing anything more than profiles and networks settings and the nice diagnostic dumps. Also I go to Windows Device Manager and "query modem" and check output.
One line in your PPP log that i am unfamilar with is the "link0" part of the OPT2 interface. Notice mine has nothing like that but [WAN]. Is this an alias or just renamed?