Howto: TeamSpeak 3 server in pfSense 2.x(Now with scripts amd64) v1.3
I have a cups printing tutorial you can try out. :)
I may write scripts for that one too if there is interest.
I can test out to see if it installs and that portion of it, I won't be able to test out is use unfortunately…
How about one for mumble (teamspeak alternative)? Might be a popular option for those that want more users but on the same type of VoIP thing?
I added a 64bit version.
I also updated the x86 version to correct some spelling mistakes and added a reboot reminder. ;)
Let me know if there are issues.
Complete success. Everything went smooth on 64bit as instructed.
Kevev, can you change this:
4.) Run the install script for your architecture
to this:
4.) Run the install script for your architecture
I was beating myself over the head trying to remember the ./ for the install. Like I said I'm a complete newb at this; but by following your directions, it's installed, and running, sweet.
Thank you very much, I hope this helps someone else too.
Kevev - Since you had to fix the scripts, do the update instructions change at all? Want to make sure I have those saved once the next update rolls out.
Kevev - Since you had to fix the scripts, do the update instructions change at all? Want to make sure I have those saved once the next update rolls out.
Good catch on the upgrade instructions. I updated them. They should be correct now.
I will see what I can do on mumble. It requires compiling which may be a no go here. Unless someone can fine me a ports or binary install.
I can test out to see if it installs and that portion of it, I won't be able to test out is use unfortunately…
How about one for mumble (teamspeak alternative)? Might be a popular option for those that want more users but on the same type of VoIP thing?
kevev: original instructions:
chmod +x /root/
chmod +x /root/
3.)chmod +x /root/
setup, administered and running, machine is ow online with TS3… sweet... now to get snort to not ban everyone
Done. Good luck with snort. Very powerful product.
kevev: original instructions:
chmod +x /root/
chmod +x /root/
3.)chmod +x /root/
Done. Good luck with snort. Very powerful product.
How about a set of directions for changing hardware or machines, or even a fresh install upgrade? Some way to carry over our install and current settings? I'm guessing it goes like the upgrade instructions for the first part of it.
I am guessing you only need to bring over the sqlite* DB file. As this is outside of the scope of this thread maybe try the teamspeak website.
Done. Good luck with snort. Very powerful product.
How about a set of directions for changing hardware or machines, or even a fresh install upgrade? Some way to carry over our install and current settings? I'm guessing it goes like the upgrade instructions for the first part of it.
Will updating to 2.2 break the TS server at all?
Will updating to 2.2 break the TS server at all?
Nope works fine.
To move your server to a new machine or if you wish to reformat/reinstall a fresh copy of pfsense:
Do the backup part as Kevev as stated in post 2 for an upgrade (steps 1 through 4), then copy the backup to another computer/location. From this backup all you technically need is ts3server.sqlitedb file. Follow the instructions posted for the install from post 1, on reboot (@ step 8.) do the following:
1. Verify the server is running, connect to it should ask you for the key as in original step 8, don't bother we don't need this.
2. Shutdown the teamspeak server:
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ forcestop
3. Copy the original ts3server.sqlitedb file from your backup and override the new one to:
4. Optional: Copy your log folder also and override the new one (I like to keep logs)
5. Start the teamspeak server and verify everything works:
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start
6. If you wish to, restart the router and verify the teamspeak server starts as expected.
***thanks to kevev for making this super easy for us, most of these instructions are just a copy of his.
kevev, you can add this to your second post if you want so people don't have to hunt for it.
Tong: I linked your post to 2nd post.
Also, I found out that Mumble server(Murmur 1.2.3) is available as a binary install for pfsense 2.1.x . I have some install instructions but there are lots of steps. I will try to make an install script like I did here. Also I haven't checked if Murmur 1.2.8(latest rease) is available for the new pfSense 2.2 . Hoping it is and also compatible with pfSense 2.1.x .
Question: Anyone interested in a freedns install script?( I have seen lots of people asking for a solution for this free dynamic dns service. I use it so people can connect to my TS server via URL instead of always changing IP.
Tong: I linked your post to 2nd post.
Also, I found out that Mumble server(Murmur 1.2.3) is available as a binary install for pfsense 2.1.x . I have some install instructions but there are lots of steps. I will try to make an install script like I did here. Also I haven't checked if Murmur 1.2.8(latest rease) is available for the new pfSense 2.2 . Hoping it is and also compatible with pfSense 2.1.x .
Question: Anyone interested in a freedns install script?( I have seen lots of people asking for a solution for this free dynamic dns service. I use it so people can connect to my TS server via URL instead of always changing IP.
I though that that could be done already in dynamic dns clients? I'm using an old dyndns account I've had for over a decade to do the resolving
That is true. Just offering another option that pfsense does not support.
Does this run TS in a jail? I know running TS on my firewall will obviously provide one more possible place to compromise the system but if it's in a jail and not running as root I'd be willing to give it a shot.
Does this run TS in a jail? I know running TS on my firewall will obviously provide one more possible place to compromise the system but if it's in a jail and not running as root I'd be willing to give it a shot.
No jail. They are easy to set up though.
Does this run TS in a jail? I know running TS on my firewall will obviously provide one more possible place to compromise the system but if it's in a jail and not running as root I'd be willing to give it a shot.
No jail. They are easy to set up though.
Cool, would be neat to see this package-tized & jailed for easy installation and management but great work getting it all going will be installing and the effort is appreciated.