Import user database and link to MAC address
First, 'captive portal' is mostly heard in a wireless scenario, but it does work the same way with wired clients…?
I have a CSV file with usernames and passwords for captive portal users. How do I import these into pfsense's local user database?
Also does it exist a way to link a captive portal user to his/her computer nic's MAC address? Or should I do this with DHCP mappings..?
Thanks for comments and info
Yep, you can run that as wired links just in the same way. You should use the static ARP option in combination with DHCP-Mappings at the interface you run the captive portel on to do the static assignments (Services>DHCP , the interface tab the CP is assigned to).
For importing a CSV you have to create some kind of converter to add your entires to the config.xml and reupload it. I would suggest creating one CP user and then download the config.xml at diagnostics>backup/restore. View the file and the fragment of the CP Users. Then find a way to to reformat your CSV to the correct format, insert it there and reupload it.
I have modify the captive portal to allow import a csv file with users and passwords, how can I submit this to be included in the distributions??
I've got an email into the Captive Portal author asking if we can send patches upstream. All of Captive Portal innovation happens in m0n0wall and we simply benefit for free (so to speak).
In the meantime, please post the patch here in diff -rub format.
I have modify the captive portal to allow import a csv file with users and passwords, how can I submit this to be included in the distributions??
I would be interested in seeing that patch as well.
I would be interested in seeing that patch as well.
I have sent the pach to Scott (I think so) If you give me your e-mail I will send you the file.
I would be interested in seeing that patch as well.
I have send the pach to Scott (I think so) If you give me your e-mail I will send you the file.
Haven't seen anything.
I would be interested in seeing that patch as well.
I have sent the pach to Scott (I think so) If you give me your e-mail I will send you the file.
Got it. I've sent it to the m0n0wall Captive portal author.