2.2 i386 (upgrade) - appears squid 2.7.9 package is broken
I have regressed my main firewall back to 2.1.5 today and edited the config.xml by hand and with diff/patch from known good backups. It's working fine again now.
I am planning to get 'new' hardware next week so that I can build the config from scratch on a 64bit version of 2.2 .
One thing I have learned from this experience is that I need to build my own test scripts for what's important for my installation. I completely forgot to test something that was important to my site during the entire 2.2RC period despite testing a load of other stuff on a 2.2RC machine before release day.
squid 3 on i386 seems not to being recompiled for transparent proxy at the moment isn't it?
And squid2 pbi seems to be wrong too.
Any other solution?
I downgraded until we got a solution for this problem.
squid 3 on i386 seems not to being recompiled for transparent proxy at the moment isn't it?
based on a few other threads, looks like the pbi for i386 came out yesterday.
I've just installed 3.4.10_2 pkg 0.2.6 and I'm seeing the following config using "squid -v".
'--disable-ipf-transparent' '--disable-ipfw-transparent' '--enable-pf-transparent'
This is the same as before. :(
Is the phi that came out yesterday for squid 2 or 3?
Yes, still not working. My previous investigation of this showed the redirection wasn't working, but then you spotted the compile options.
Perfecto, gracias!!!