Captive portal pop up logout problem
I am facing a strange problem.
First I tell about the setup.
I am using Pfsense 2.0.3 amd 64+ squid 3 non transparent. (Since in later version up to Pfsense 2.2 CP is not showing with squid non transparent).
After applying patch captive portal in squid 3, CP is showing with logout pop up at clients with manual proxy settings in browser and internet is working fine.
the problem….
After log in via CP at a client machine, I start to download any file from internet and meanwhile if I disconnect via logout pop up, I got the message you are disconnected and further I am not allowed to browse internet, its ok, but my download keeps on going, it does not stop more over speed of downloading the file increased up to 4 to 10 times. Its quite strange, why downloads do not stop after disconnecting via logout pop up.
Please help.
Please understand that you are about the only one still using an ancient version of pfSense.
So, even if I had the same setup as you right now, most parts have been debugged, changed, etc.Furthermore, I just tested this:
Logged into my (wifi) portal.
I received the popup 'logout' page.
I started to download a big file (100 MB from here :
I was the only user looged in.
I had it running for a minute or two.
I observed with the "Status: Traffic Graph" pfSense page. Its showed the info of my portal interface.
I hit the logout button.I was disconnected.
The download was stopped ….. (the traffic graph dropped to zero right away)Note: I'm using pfSense 2.2 (latest) - I'm NOT using squid (I guess I don't need it).
So: accept my proposal : what about upgrading ?
Btw: FIRST make your portal working ok. Set up your entire pfSernse as you like it. Always use the latest version if you need help. Then, and only then: add packages - like Squid.
If things start to break : remove the packge - or repair them.
pfSense, by itself, works, as advertised ;) -
Hello Gertjan!
Thanks for the reply.
with squid non transparent I am sure downloading continues after disconnecting via CP. In transparent squid everything is ok.
I am using pfsense 2.0.3 only because in this version I can use non transparent squid with CP login option as using non transport squid I can block https traffic and also able to cache https traffic.