Cctv remote access for hikvision ip camera
Hi all expert people please help me with my cctv remote access . I tried all advice been given so far still no joy. I added my setup network pic please advice
Many thanks

Install a vpn server on pfsense, vpn in from your remote computer, access your cameras as if you were on the lan with them (bandwidth permitted).
hi kejianshi
thanks for your advice, like i have mention in my post i would like to see my cctv when i am away from home. i looking around how to do this like you said do openvpn. i have found this website link but still no joy.
please advice i been at it for weeks now
many thanks
Well - Lets assume you get pfsense properly configured with a public IP on the WAN
And you have a switch on your LAN
And the cameras attached to that switch.
Then you install a very basic openvpn configuration on pfsense
Then install the package openvpn client export on pfsense.
If you are using a windows machine, use the client export function to download the vpn client into windows and install it (right click - run as admin)
after that you should be able to connect to it and to see your cameras from a windows machine.
hi kejianshi
thanks for getting back to me so soon really appreciate your time and input. i am able to see my cctv within my house without of help of openvpn on my window pc and my mobile phone. only problem i have accessing my cctv on my mobile while i am away from house. i hope that make sense what i am try to say.
sorry my english is not very good. so apologise in advance.
many thanks
That probably means that you are port forwarding connections from your WAN to your IP CAMs?
Thats not a good habit to be in unless you want those to get hacked.
I'd close the ports, disable the cams uPNP. Give the cams static IP reservations at the bottom of the DNS Server page.
Give your entire system static reservations actually.
Then configure openvpn and only use the vpn to access your cam and other things.
hi kejianshi
i have closed all the port after your advice, and used to check if all the ports closed or not. its come up pass and you have mentioned disable the cams upnp ok i will do that. but please advice how how will i do the static ip reservations from DNS server page another thing i wanted to mention is i have 4 ip camera connected via NVR Recorder. so do i only need to use static ip on NVR ? and again is there idiot guide to this openvpn for remote access to my cctv while i am away from home
sorry i been at it for quite a long time and still asking same old questions.sorry once again
to take up your timemany thanks
You can run DHCP for the cams
Then go to Status: DHCP leases
click the + button to the right of the IP cams (one at a time)
This will enable you to make static reservations.
Make sure you assign them IPs above or below where LAN DHCP is assigning IPs automatically.
hi kejianshi
would i need to still add my ip camera one at a time even though they all four get plugged in back of NVR Recorder and so on.
i am lost all together now
many thanks
Are your cameras IP cams? Are they plugged into a switch connected to pfsense LAN by CAT5 cable?
hi kejianshi
yes i have hikvision 3 of these ip cameras(
and 1 of this one (
all these ip cameras connected via NVR (Hikvision DS-7616NI-SE/P )( you see my first post it has the setup pic how my system is setup for home network to cctv cameras NVR with CAT5 cable
many thanks
rb -
My question though is once those IP cameras are plugged into the NVR is can you access the camera directly on the LAN or only from the NVR?
hi kejianshi
sorry i can only view through my NVR ip address.
i hope i understood the question right.many thanks
OK - Then its your NVR address you need access to. No problem then.
Build your pfsense. Add the settings for openvpn. Add the client export packages for openvpn. Export a package. Try to access the NVR remotely.
hi kejiansi
this is good news! so far you have understood my problem. but, is there an idiot proof guide i can follow step by step so that i don't make any more mistakes and waste any of your valuable time.
many thanks
is there an idiot proof guide i can follow step by step so that i don't make any more mistakes and waste any of your valuable time.
P.S. On a totally unrelated note - unless you love spam, you might consider asking some forum admin to change your username. (As an added bonus, it will stop breaking the forum layout :P)
Not really.
You need either a static IP on the WAN or a dynamic DNS service. I use both dyndns and no-ip. I like dyndns better because they are pretty fire and forget. There are others.
Do your best to set that up.
Then do your best to set up openvpn.
Then come back and post your configuration and people can start helping you get it working.
uhhhhhh yeah. I probably wouldn't use my email address as my username. (don't change it to your bank account number either)
hi guys
done the easy bit changed the user name lol. now i need to try to do the hard thing follow your instructions.
many thanks
Its not so hard - Once you get it configured, even if its broken at least we can tell you what fields to change.
Right now there is nothing to work with.