Widget "Captive Portal Status" small bug
The widget "Captive Portal Status" contains a smal visual bug.
To see the effect:
You should have more then one portal user connected.
Like this:
more users connected will be fine also.Now, disconnect a user with the "grey cross button" at the left side.
When this button is clicked, someting like this is sent:
&showact will be set … to 0 (zéro).
Now, have a look at line 75:
$showact = isset($_GET['showact']) ? 1 : 0;
$showwact will be set to "1" because 'showact' 'isset' (and has a value of 0 (zéro)) ;D
Result: have a look at your screen: the widget breaks visually because two more columns are shown.
I have tested and propose this for line:
$showact = (isset($_GET['showact']) && ($_GET['showact'] == 1)) ? 1 : 0;
Noticed the widget breaking a couple of days ago. Gonna try out your solution.
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