How to remove Menu items manually?
Some cruft got left behind in the config. If you can reboot, download the config, edit out the offending xml and restore.
Reinstall and uninstall pfBlocker.
the old pfblocker is not available as a package to download anymore for 2.2, any other ideas?
Some cruft got left behind in the config. If you can reboot, download the config, edit out the offending xml and restore.
Which config file are you referring to?
Some cruft got left behind in the config. If you can reboot, download the config, edit out the offending xml and restore.
Which config file are you referring to?
WARNING – make a config backup first unless you are supremely confident in your XML editing capabilities .... ;)
If you are familiar with reading an XML formatted file, then open this file in the editor (Diagnostics > Edit File) –
Scroll down until you find the section tagged with <installedpackages>…</installedpackages> . Find the XML tags enclosing pfBlocker elements and delete them. Save the changes. Be very careful not to mangle the XML syntax! If you corrupt the contents of this file, you can kill the firewall.
Some additional steps that I take when editing the XML config.xml by hand ;D Learning the hard way when it crashes is no fun!!!
I always SSH into the box as this gives you some flexibility to quickly restore a backup before getting locked out.
Once in the SSH shell make a backup
cp /conf/config.xml /conf/config.xml.bk
Make your manual edits to config.xml and save. Then
rm /tmp/config.cache
Refresh the GUI and ensure it looks ok… If you get any errors, Revert back
cp /conf/config.xml.bk /conf/config.xml
rm /tmp/config.cache
Refresh the GUI and your back to where you started. :)
BBcan177 is offering valuable advice and tips. My way is more "brute force" and risky, but I do this mostly only on virtual machines that I do lots of testing and development on. So they can be restored by reverting to a snapshot.
I found installing pfblockerNG, finding it broken, and telling it to reinstall it removed all previous entries and gave me a working version.
Not sure if this will work in your instance. HTH -
I found installing pfblockerNG, finding it broken, and telling it to reinstall it removed all previous entries and gave me a working version.
Not sure if this will work in your instance. HTHWorked like a charm in 2.2.4