Can't Connect To WebGUI Via Firefox (Works In IE)
Hi all,
I'm having a problem connecting to the WebGUI's of various pfSense's through Firefox.
It's not a rules thing - I can connect via IE on the same PC. When I've had the issue before, a reset of my Firefox profile has sorted it…. for a period!
I'm accessing all the pfSense's using the URL - https://ip:11443 - which as I say, works on IE.
On Firefox, I get either a couple of minutes wait before getting to the login screen, or it'll time out saying "the connection was reset".
It's not a mega-issue as I could use IE, but it's annoying - and repeatedly resetting Firefox profile is a pain as there's a bunch of other stuff I have to set back up too.
Currently Firefox has NO addons installed. I've also tried deleting the manually added certificates for all the pfSenses.
Any ideas?! And thanks in advance :-)
Sounds like Firefox might be proxied. Check the proxy settings and see if it's pointing to a proxy server - if it is and IE isn't, then that may be your answer.
Do you have LastPass installed?
I've found I cannot connect at all (multiple OSes, pfSense boxes, versions, etc) if it is installed. Firefox without LastPass works perfectly so I just keep a Firefox profile that doesn't have it installed.
What?? Sounds more like you have last pass messed up sending the wrong creds to me.. I have no issue access pfsense web gui with firefox 37.0.2 with lastpass as well - its what logs me in..
Last pass is NOT the problem - if you think it is just disable it so it doesn't send login creds, etc.
If the certificates were generated before 2.2, you're probably hitting a Firefox bug with how it handled our old default certs.
You can manually clear out any of the old/bad certs, it might let you into ~8 of them before it craps out again.
If you are on 2.2 on these boxes, go to a shell and run:
pfSsh.php playback generateguicert
And then it'll make a new cert that will make Firefox happy.
jimp, that worked for me… thanks