Modify logout popup
Hi, I just need to know the directory where the popup file is stocked !
I would like to modify the background color adapt to me captive portal .
It's hardcoded in;content-type=text%2Fplain (search for "LogoutWin").
LogoutWin ='', 'Logout', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,width=256,height=64'); if (LogoutWin) { LogoutWin.document.write(''); LogoutWin.document.write('<title>Logout</title>') ; LogoutWin.document.write(''); LogoutWin.document.write('') ; LogoutWin.document.write('**Click the button below to disconnect** '); LogoutWin.document.write(' <form method="POST" action="{$logouturl}">'); LogoutWin.document.write(''); LogoutWin.document.write(''); LogoutWin.document.write('</form> '); LogoutWin.document.write(''); LogoutWin.document.write(''); LogoutWin.document.close(); }
where do i put this file after ?
You can simply edit if from the webgui at diagnostics>edit file. Open /usr/local/captiveportal/index.php and save it after modifying it.
thank you
is there any way that someone puts in this window i.e. the remaining time if i use radius with user credits option? (some kind of clock which reads the value from somewhere…)
Possible? Sure, you can modify the logout window even more than just changing the color. Add additional functionality to it, it's all php.