503 - Service Not Available
After a fresh install yesterday and all working fine at around 10pm last night I trid to login again this am from my remote office and get
"503 - Service Not Available" - when trying to access the dash board?
No one has rung me about the 'internet being off' so I assume basic functions are still fine.
I did not enable SSH so can't login to the console to do any admin.
To get console locally its an 18 mile drive.
Any suggestions appreciated :)
ps I have just one additional package installed - BandwidthD…
ps I have just one additional package installed - BandwidthD…
Nothing new here. Can you SSH in? If so, then uninstall this from the pfS developer shell.
playback uninstallpkg bandwidthd
Restart webConfigurator/PHP-FPM after that. (Or reboot.)
Thanks - will do that tomorrow when back in to the office. I should have mentioned that following the fresh install to compact flash I upgraded to the latest version 2.2.1 I think.
Its a shame because one of the reasons I did the install of pfSense was to monitor traffic.
Are there any other packages that work well that do this?
All I need to know is which LAN IP's are downloading how much over day/week/month.
The same thing is happening to me.
I installed the VMWare tools and then if I try to log into the web gui I get either:- 503 - Service not Available
or - 500 - Internal Server Error
I am running 2.2.1 AMD64 on a Dell Server with Broadcom Nic's
I tried to revert to a configuration before the VMWare tools but no luck.
Any help apreshiated - 503 - Service not Available
This thread is about bandwidthd.
Not be a problem any more.