Squid3, strange redirect from 80 to 443
Just installed Squid3. I want tu publish my webserver on DMZ, over port 80.
So i created rules in squid3 from my wan-adress to my webserver on dmz.
I created firewall rule to allow port 80 to wan address.
BUT, no response. In the log i can se "Destination" is "my-wan-ip:443" and not "my-wan-ip:80"
Why is this? It´s a fresh install of pfSense 2.2.1
Hmm I get the same problem on another 2.2.2 -installation :/
This will explain the error I get on email, when I open an email with web contenent it goes to port 443 instead of port 80.
Is your Squid set as transparent ? ( as mine was when this problem start).
thanks -
I use it as a reverse Proxy to publish my website. Not as a typical surf-Proxy.
Do you have a captive portal enabled?
See my post at https://forum.pfsense.org/index.php?topic=87280.0
Hello, no I dont use captive portal. I Think this is related to the newer FreeBSD base operating system on 2.2, that it cannot listen on low ports. I get same error in HAproxy. I have disabled WebGUI redirect.
I will try to do a forwarding rule from port 80 to a higher port i firewall rules settings