RRD graph
When I go to the RRD graph and bring up traffic for the wan port it shows the speed and intervals but it is calculating the wrong total transfer. If I look at the LAN traffic it report the traffic going into the box correctly. Is this a known bug or is something kooky going on with my install?
Do you have an example screenshot of such a graph and provide some more info what you think is wrong about it? If this is a single wan, single lan box please post both screenshots as the traffic on wan should just be the mirror of the traffic at wan (unless lots of traffic is blocked). Maybe you have a lot of broadcasts at LAN tha the LAN interface sees but that's not routed to WAN?
I was transfering a file from a server via FTP to IPSEC tunnel over the wan. I only have 1 wan link and 1 Lan link, traffic shapping is enabled.
If you have a look the totals out of the wan and lan in they do not tally up. Over the period of the graphs posted I transfered a 1.06GB file which the Lan graph shows but the Wan does not.
I have talked to seth, who wrote the rrd-code. This seems to be some odd bug that we never able to reproduce in our setups. Chances might be that it somehow has to do with the trafficshaper but like i said we never got it replicated. Is it a persistent bug in for your install or does it happen randomly?
Same here, ALIX board pfSense 1.2
I have a VLAN on the LAN, but no traffic on VLAN.
Clown, do you also have the traffic shaper enabled?
Kind regards,
databeestje, yes, traffic shaper is enabled.
I can do some test if needed.
I have committed a fix into CVS.
Replace you /usr/local/www/status_rrd_graph_img.php with this one from CVS.
http://cvs.pfsense.com/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/pfSense/usr/local/www/status_rrd_graph_img.php?rev=;content-type=text%2Fplain -
Thanks, for the patch. Works now!
Thanks guys this has fixed it.