Open-VM-Tools don't work well any more on pfsense 2.2+
But its seems they have corrected the vmxnet.ko file error.
But its seems they have corrected the vmxnet.ko file error.
Yeah. By removing the module altogether.
Guess ill wait this the package is fixed.
Apparently the driver is present in 10.1 so its not needed in the tools??
But its seems they have corrected the vmxnet.ko file error.
Yeah. By removing the module altogether.
freebsd 10.1 has native vmx3 support so you don't need the tools at all really other than to be able to clearly shutdown pfsense from esxi, integration with the console, etc.
I reported that is fully broken in the package thread.. Not sure on who the specific package owner/contributors are - but sure they will fix it up soon enough.
You can run pfsense 2.2.2 just fine on above 5.5u2 of esxi without any issues, and since vmx3 is part of freebsd now you don't really need to install the tools.
Every open issue that existed for open-vm-tools is fixed now.
Thanks Chris. Really appreciated!
Gonna have a go on ESXI 5.5U2 and 6 ASAP.
Is there a need for a shutdown script? It shuts down the VM without one.
Did you chmod +x that php file?
Yes i need to run a custom script. I'm running CP+FreeRADIUS with SQL accounting, when i shutdown the VM no acctstoptime it send to the SQL database. And since im use Simultaneouse-Use attribute this is a problem. This problem does not occur when u shutdown/reboot pfsense from the GUI.
Yeah the file is executable. Running it from the commandline works fine.
Maby i should write a script to query the database for empty acctstoptime and run it with shellcmd @ boot.
How does that error point to problem with the script? With the tools package installed and no script can you shutdown pfsense vm?
Do you have the path correctly to where the script in the tools?
Yes shutdown works if i disable the shutdown script.
Path is correct.
hmm - will have to do something with a custom script to test. Something simple that can validate works or doesnt work or if get same error, etc.