Suricata 2.1.5 Update – Release Notes
These are the errors from the WAN suricata.log
6/6/2015 – 02:28:04 - <error>-- [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_INVALID_SIGNATURE(39)] - Can't use file_data with flow:to_server or from_client with http.
6/6/2015 – 02:28:04 - <error>-- [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_INVALID_SIGNATURE(39)] - error parsing signature "alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $SMTP_SERVERS 25 (msg:"FILE-IDENTIFY CIS file magic detected"; flow:to_server,established; file_data; content:"|43 49 53 00 00 00 00 00|"; fast_pattern:only; flowbits:set,file.cis; flowbits:noalert; metadata:service smtp; classtype:misc-activity; sid:28367; rev:1;)" from file /usr/pbi/suricata-amd64/etc/suricata/suricata_54713_em0/rules/flowbit-required.rules at line 19
6/6/2015 – 02:28:04 - <info>-- 2 rule files processed. 223 rules successfully loaded, 1 rules failed
6/6/2015 -- 02:28:04 - <info>-- 223 signatures processed. 34 are IP-only rules, 4 are inspecting packet payload, 63 inspect application layer, 72 are decoder event only
6/6/2015 -- 02:28:04 - <info>-- building signature grouping structure, stage 1: preprocessing rules... complete
6/6/2015 -- 02:28:04 - <info>-- building signature grouping structure, stage 2: building source address list... complete
6/6/2015 -- 02:28:04 - <info>-- building signature grouping structure, stage 3: building destination address lists... complete
6/6/2015 -- 02:28:04 - <info>-- Threshold config parsed: 0 rule(s) found
6/6/2015 -- 02:28:04 - <info>-- Core dump size is unlimited.
6/6/2015 -- 02:28:04 - <info>-- fast output device (regular) initialized: alerts.log
6/6/2015 -- 02:28:04 - <info>-- http-log output device (regular) initialized: http.log
6/6/2015 -- 02:28:04 - <info>-- Using 1 live device(s).
6/6/2015 -- 02:28:04 - <info>-- using interface em0
6/6/2015 -- 02:28:04 - <info>-- Running in 'auto' checksum mode. Detection of interface state will require 1000 packets.
6/6/2015 -- 02:28:04 - <info>-- Found an MTU of 1500 for 'em0'
6/6/2015 -- 02:28:04 - <info>-- Set snaplen to 1516 for 'em0'
6/6/2015 -- 02:28:04 - <error>-- [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_POOL_INIT(66)] - alloc error
6/6/2015 – 02:28:04 - <error>-- [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_POOL_INIT(66)] - pool grow failed
6/6/2015 – 02:28:04 - <info>-- RunModeIdsPcapAutoFp initialised
6/6/2015 -- 02:28:04 - <error>-- [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_THREAD_INIT(49)] - thread "Detect6" closed on initialization.
6/6/2015 – 02:28:04 - <error>-- [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_INITIALIZATION(45)] - Engine initialization failed, aborting…</error></error></info></error></error></info></info></info></info></info></info></info></info></info></info></info></info></info></info></error></error> -
increasing the stream memory cap from 32MB to 64MB fixed the issue.
increasing the stream memory cap from 32MB to 64MB fixed the issue.
Yes, the old default stream memory setting is too small as of the 2.0.7 release of Suricata. I will update the default size and make it some larger in the next package update.