Reverse proxy squid3 problem
hi, i've followed a lot of thread and guide here and on the wiki, to make few sites, in different server behind pfsense firewall with only one ip address accessible from outside
so i have a pfsense 2.2
i've installed squid3 and set net.inet.ip.portrange.reservedhigh to 0 so i can use port lower than 1024i've followed a guide, so here my configuration of squid:
Reverse Proxy interface WAN
external FQDN
Enable HTTP reverse mode
Port 81 (i've used this port because if i use the default 80 it goes directly to the pfsense login page)
ok web server i've added one:
alias dev1
port 80
httpon mapping:
peer: dev1
URI: ^*i've also added a rules on firewall:
from WAN
port 81but now if i try to connect to i receive an access error from squid
The requested URL could not be retrievedAccess Denied
any idea why? any helps?