Cannot get internet connectivity for LAN and VPN_LAN clients at the same time
I am trying to configure my first pfSense 2.2.2 install, but running into trouble with the routing of traffic when the openvpn client is configured. Basically, if I enable the VPN client, all devices in the VPN LAN have internet access, while devices in my normal LAN don't, and vice-versa. It seems that the vpn client alters the pfsense routing table, from a server push request, to force ALL traffic through the vpn_wan gateway, but if I select the -nopull option to stop that, the LAN traffic can pass out the WAN, but the LAN_VPN has no route out anymore!
What I am trying to do is the following:
Three local LANS.
- LAN:
- LAN_VPN: (VPN client net)
- VPN_LAN: (Remote Access clients net) -
LAN traffic reaches internet through WAN.
LAN_VPN traffic reaches internet through VPN_WAN.
Local traffic can pass between LAN, LAN_VPN, & Remote Access clients.
DNS resolver is used for LAN only.
LAN_VPN uses external DNS through VPN tunnel, assigned by interface.
Basically I have tried to follow the following guides without much luck: &
Can anybody provide any guidance, based on the attached pics of my config??
Much appreciated.
Edit: Network diagram
NAT Outbound:
LAN Rules:
LAN_VPN Rules:
-nopull Routing Table:
when using the -nopull option, you need to assign an interface to your openvpn instance (interfaces–>assign--><+>-->ovpncx)
then goto interfaces-->optx--> set type to 'none' ---> save
you should now have a gateway / if you don't create a gateway for the optx interface.
use the gateway in your vpn_lan firewall rulesoh yeah, you probably need to create some 'PASS' rules on the optx interface and if you have manual NAT, you'd have to sort that too
Thanks heper.
I think I already have that interface, named VPN_WAN, which i identify in NAT and lan_vpn already right?
If I add PASS rules on the VPN_WAN gateway, wouldn't that be only for inbound connections from the internet?? Currently I just have a block all rule…
See attached pics for VPN_WAN gateway and firewall details.![2015-05-25 08.13.47.jpg](/public/imported_attachments/1/2015-05-25 08.13.47.jpg)
![2015-05-25 08.13.47.jpg_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/2015-05-25 08.13.47.jpg_thumb)
So referencing my LAN_VPN rules i have attached, what do I need to change to route that lan out the VPN WAN??
This is too much for me to want to process (sans compensation) without an accurate, detailed network diagram.
This is too much for me to want to process (sans compensation) without an accurate, detailed network diagram.
Diagram added.
There is no reason to set the gateway on your LAN rules to WAN_PPPOE. Set it back to default. If you REALLY need to policy route everything out WAN_PPPOE, you need to bypass policy routing for everything that needs to route elsewhere, such as traffic from LAN to LAN_VPN.
With one WAN there is no reason to use policy routing. Set it to default. Note that you also need to bypass policy routing on LAN_VPN if you want those hosts to be able to access any "local" resources like LAN.
What is in the VPN_DNS alias?
Are you sure you are having a traffic routing problem or a DNS problem? I am not sure about the policy routing out the VPN with the /32 routes in the table for and since you have those name servers "glued" to WAN_PPPOE in pfSense and you're trying to policy route the same DNS servers (Those are the servers you're giving to LAN_VPN clients via DHCP).
For instance, with the VPN connection up can you ping from Host A2?
Derelict, thanks for providing some help here. I have updated the pics in my original post to reflect some changes, as directed by yourself.
Unfortunately, I still cannot get Internet connectivity out the VPN subnet, while using the -nopull option. I updated the monitor IP for the VPN_WAN gateway to, and interestingly that allows me to ping that particular IP out the VPN, but nothing else. i.e. I cannot ping from the LAN_VPN subnet unless I set it to be the monitor IP for the VPN_WAN gateway.
What is in the VPN_DNS alias?
This was just and alias for &
Any other hints or advice?
You don't have any old IPsec configs or anything covering do you?
You don't have any old IPsec configs or anything covering do you?
Nope. This is a fresh install with openvpn only.
Don't know, dude. It works every time I do it.