HAVP - Stuck at Waiting CLAMD
Running 2.2.2-RELEASE and HAVP Package 0.91_3 pkg v1.05_1
Set this box up a few weeks ago and everything was fine. Noticed in my mail server that it was getting an error when checking against the AV on pfSense, so I started to investigate.
On pfSense, I noticed that the server was stopped and thus the proxy was, too.
At the shell, running clamd gave the error ERROR: LOCAL: Socket file /var/run/clamav/clamd.sock could not be bound: No such file or directory.
Created the directory /var/run/clamav and modified the permissions. Clamd ran fine.
Ran back to the pfSense GUI and started the HAVP proxy after stopping Clamd (if the proxy does not start the AV server, the proxy will error out).
The result is that the proxy starts the server, but the proxy never moves past "Waiting CLAMD"
Any suggestions are appreciated.
I fixed it by running
cp clamd.pid /var/run/
Guess I should edit HAVP.INC, but I don't know if it will hold on reboot.
That leads to the attached error in the logs, with proxy stopping (after the status went to running).