User is able login and surf to multiple pc's
User is able login and surf to multiple pc's
A user with one account can authenticate to multiple pc's simultaneously, is there a way to force on user to access one pc only and be kicked out if accessing 2 pc's with one account?
Captive Portal setup as follows:
Idle timeout: 60 m
Hardtimeout 120
Logout popup: checked
Disable concurrent login: checked
Disable Mac filtering: checked
Authentication: local user managerThank you in advance
Disable concurrent login: checked
Disable Mac filtering: checkedDisable concurrent login should provide what you have asked for. But why did you check "disable mac filtering"? Not sure if those two settings might be contraproductive. I suggest unchecking the mac-option and try again.
On my installation users can use the same logins too. Enabling MAC control doesn't help. 24h after enabling captive portal server stopped responding with error: to many dynamic rules.
it s snapshot 25.03.2006 -
User is still able to login to multiple pc's simultaneously with one username and password.Captive Portal setup as follows:
Interface: LAN
Idle timeout: 60 m
Hard timeout 240
Logout popup: checked
Disable concurrent login: tried both (checked and unchecked)
Disable Mac filtering: unchecked
Authentication: local user manager