Capitive portal change with images
Hi i want to change the default capitive portal.
i found one here : uploaded 3 files
lsuccess login.htmlbut i have 2 problems :
1- the page is not correct and seems i need to uplaod the css & images files2- if i put user/pwd it then ok , i have error display page , but then if i open new sites i can have internet…..seems i have problem with "success login" page
what do i need to do ?
I will give it a try and let you know what my result is.
You need to upload the css and image files in the 'File Manager' tab of the captive portal page. Each file you upload will be renamed with 'captiveportal-' prefixed to the front of the filename, so in the case of the files you're accessing from the github site, you'll need to rename each of them, removing the 'captiveportal-' prefix before uploading them on your firewall. It's impossible to tell what the problem is with the 'error display page' you're getting as you've not posted a screenshot.
I did manage to make the index show as it should, however, the fields need to be changed and i think the form is not ok, i get error after i press i Agree.
I changed the field for Secret word to auth_voucher and it's not working.
I do not have time to play with it now, but when i will, if i succeed in making it work i will post the solution. -
…. if i succeed in making it work i will post the solution.
Think about clearly posting the problem also.
1- the page is not correct and seems i need to uplaod the css & images files
If your scripts files (html, php) 'source' files, then, yes, they have to be put in place also. pfSense should be able to find them. and it will NOT look into your "My Documenst\…" for them.
2- if i put user/pwd it then ok , i have error display page , but then if i open new sites i can have internet…..seems i have problem with "success login" page
Put a user & password where ??
Are you aware that we can't see what you are editing, what you want to do ?
The "i have error display page" and "seems i have problem with "success login"" might say a lot to you, but is close to nothing for the readers of your post. -
index.html contains this form: