Squid and squidguars
hello everyone,
I am new on this forum. I want to say hello to everyone. I started to use pfsense and I do really like it. It is very powerfull not only firewall. I have one question about squid and squidguard. I am not familiar with bsd. When I install squid with squidguard, no matter what version it is, transparent or not after i update squidguard db it works fine. when reboot pfsense, squidguard and squid not starting. only solution i found is to start squidguard with cli: /usr/local/bin/squidguard and after that from web interface starting squid. than everything works fine.
did enyone had same issue?thank you ;)
squidGuard gets called by squid on-demand so it isn't running if squid isn't busy. Why does squid not start? Anything in your System log? Anything in /var/squid/logs/cache.log?