Squid + SquidGuard stopped service @boot
Hi guys I installed squid and squidguard.
squid and squidguard service is always stopped at boot.
i have to shell with this command to start squidguard "squidguard -c all -d"
then squid will reply: squidGuard: cannot open config fill all
going to emergency mode.
then SquidGuard service will start.squid is still stopped.
i tried to start it, it shows started after few seconds it stops again.
it happens whenever there is a custom option in squid.the custom option is inserted automatically by squidguard.
i remove it.
and then ill see that squid service is now running.problem is.
squidguard doest seem to block pornsites.
and i think the custom option is used to call squidguard.
but i removed it to be able to start the squid service.please help dunno what to do now.
Posting multiple threads about it wont help you any faster.
I've already answered your other post here.
This may be related to empty blacklist after a reboot.
this script created by carlospicture placed on /usr/local/etc/rc.d may help:
#!/usr/local/bin/php -f $incl = "/usr/local/pkg/squidguard_configurator.inc"; if (file_exists($incl)) { require_once($incl); sg_reconfigure_blacklist( "http://www.shallalist.de/Downloads/shallalist.tar.gz", "" ); } exit; ?>