VPN service on a PC
Yep, that was a stupid question from me. It was a while since I last dealed with WOL - one has to set the things in the OS of the computer that will be waking the other one up (regarding NIC's settings for WOL). My pfSense box has WOL functionality in the BIOS so that should work.
More importantly, will an old Lenovo box work with three NICs? The integrated one (in the MOBO), an additional wireless one and an additional wired one? If yes, I'll buy another wired one for cheap so that I can do more stuff with it.
Another thing: the pfSense installation in my VMware just keeps on rebooting when I start it up. It won't stop, it's just rebooting on and on, do you know what might be causing it and how to fix it?
Thank you!
More importantly, will an old Lenovo box work with three NICs?
This can be a Xeon E5-26xxv3 and 128 GB RAM or a Celeron Dual Core @3,0GHz
So a little bit closer to the point what is in the "old Lenovo"!If yes, I'll buy another wired one for cheap so that I can do more stuff with it.
Buy a Intel Quad Port NIC for ~$60 so that is ~$15 for each Port but not consumer grade!
Another thing: the pfSense installation in my VMware just keeps on rebooting when I start it up.
It won't stop, it's just rebooting on and on, do you know what might be causing it and how to fix it????
- I prefer running it on bare metal
- if not able to run it on Hyper-V
My "old Lenovo" is a Celeron D with 512 MB of RAM. I will use this box to provide internet connection for only a couple of PCs and it's mainly for me to learn hot pfSense works and to learn more about networking in general.
I will buy an used one-port NIC cause it's disgustingly cheap, it will be for learning only. What I'd like to achieve is use the onboard NIC for WAN, the coming NIC for LAN (or vice versa) and the wireless NIC as an wireless access point (WLAN basically). So I hope that the old Lenovo will work with three NICs.
pfSense worked fine in my VMware Player before. And now I think it says something like that it wasn't dismounted properly and the just reboots and keeps rebooting… I don't know how to fix that.
Thank you for helping me.
I'll be getting another NIC soon and will be able to finish the hardware part of the pfSense box.
All I have to set right on it is assign the interface and it's IP address so that I can connect to it via the web interface, right? Everything else I can then set through the web interface?
Another question: is there something like a default template or default settings so that when I replace my home router with the pfSense box and connect to the internet I am already safe & secure? And then I can tweak the settings in peace?
Thank you!
If you intent to permit traffic coming in the new interface you have to add firewall rules.
The pfSense settings can be exported and restored over the WebGUI Dignostics > Backup/Restore. Or you can reset all settings in Dignostics > Factory defaults as well as in the console.
Everything else I can then set through the web interface?
Another question: is there something like a default template or default settings so that when I replace my home router with the pfSense box and connect to the internet I am already safe & secure?
There is a default config and will be also some rules for the WAN interface if you set it up, but after this
you must also setting up rules for any other interface then!And then I can tweak the settings in peace?
You can do so no one is pressing you to be going fast.
I have installed another NIC into the pfSense box and it wouldn't recognise the new NIC. Then I reinstalled pfSense and now it works, all three NICs are recognised!
I've set the new NIC as WAN, the onboard NIC as LAN and the wireless nic as WLAN. When I set the WLAN NIC as an access point the pfSense box started having some trouble and my internet connection was unstable.
I was getting this displayed on the pfSense box monitor:
swap_pager_getswapspace(3): failed
swap_pager_getswapspace(3): failed
swap_pager_getswapspace(5): failed
swap_pager_getswapspace(16): failed
swap_pager_getswapspace(9): failed
swap_pager_getswapspace(16): failed
swap_pager_getswapspace(3): failed
swap_pager_getswapspace(3): failed
swap_pager_getswapspace(3): failed
swap_pager_getswapspace(3): failed
(it goes on and on…)And I was getting this displayed in the pfSense WebGUI notice:
Acknowledge All Notices
[There were error(s) loading the rules: /tmp/rules.debug:19: cannot define table bogonsv6: Cannot allocate memory - The line in question reads [19]: table persist file /etc/bogonsv6]Could it be related to the fact that the box only has 512 MB of RAM? It has an 80 GB HDD though.
…and now pfSense is unable to boot up. It stops at Starting DHCP service... and I can hear the HDD but it won't go past that line and boot up. Do I have to reinstall pfSense? What caused this? How can avoid it in the future?
Could it be related to the fact that the box only has 512 MB of RAM? It has an 80 GB HDD though.
It seems like that.
I think, you won't need IPv6, so you may deactivate it. You may also deactivate IPv4 Bogons, you won't need it really for your purpose.
Further you should keep the amount of tables in generally small and don't use large tables like pfBlockerNG. Then the 512 MB should be enough, however, I don't know how much is required by AP function. You better ask this under hardware topic.And yes, maybe the 32bit version requires less RAM.
OK, I will reinstall now. I'm not sure if I should install the 32-bit version since the 64-bit is recommended and my CPU supports 64-bit.
How/where do I deactivate IPv6? and the IPv4 Bogons (I don't even know what that is)?
I haven't done anything with tables yet. All I did was set up WAN, LAN and WLAN. And when is tried applying changes to WLAN settings the errors started…
I reinstalled the 64-bit version and it works fine. Except…
I have not enabled the IPv6 or Bogons so I guess that should keep down the RAM usage?
I enabled the WLAN (wireless NIC) but it's DHCP service assigned my wired LAN PC an IP from the wireless pool and there was no DNS and I couldn't go anywhere on the internet. This is really weird, I know I'm a newbie but still - weird.
I have completely disabled the WLAN interface now and LAN interface's DHCP assigned me an IP which conencts to it's DNS and now it's OK. But that about the wireless - I really don't get it!
IPv6 is enabled by default. You can disabled it in System: Advanced: Networking.
The Bogons? I don't know. I think, I've read here that it is possible to disable it. Maybe the table isn't loaded if you uncheck "Block bogon networks" in the interface settings. -
Uhm… what is the goal here exactly? Why "disable" IPv6? It disables nothing, it only blocks all IPv6 traffic (even written in the GUI).
Save memory. If IPv6 is not enabled the IPv6 bogons table is not loaded.
Uh… Disable the bogons instead! facepalm
if you had read the last posts you would know that we know no way, how to disable bogons.
if you had read the last posts you would know that we know no way, how to disable bogons.
Because it's extremely well hidden in the GUI! Interfaces - WAN - scroll to the bottom. :o ::)
I'm not sure if I should install the 32-bit version since the 64-bit is recommended and my CPU supports 64-bit.
Would it be to much adding some RAM modules to this pfSense unit!?
Not that I know how many you will be able to add in, but it would perhaps really speeding up the entire
process and also perhaps prevent you from reinstalling and tune some things. -
Because it's extremely well hidden in the GUI! Interfaces - WAN - scroll to the bottom. :o ::)
I've assumed this an written it above, but was not sure if it helps.