POST to Delete MAC and mark vouchers expired
Hi there,
I want to set up an auto-addition of mac after voucher first time authentication, and after authentication i will do another POST to mark voucher as expired.
Please help to provide what are the parameters needed as I cannot see it in the pfsensebook.
Thank you in advance.
Kinda waste of effort, no? Make the vouchers valid for a couple of minutes or so and move on.
Hi doktornotor,
This is to avoid sharing of vouchers at the same time. e.g. voucher is valid for 10 days, but after authentication I will automatically add the mac-address and then disable the voucher. But after 10 days, I need to do POST to remove the MAC-Address.
This is to avoid sharing of vouchers at the same time.
Hmmm? This works for vouchers as well:
This is to avoid sharing of vouchers at the same time.
Hmmm? This works for vouchers as well:
Just need to clarify, just to avoid sharing of vouchers NOT ON THE SAME TIME. so, disable concurrent log is not useful because when other person will not use the voucher, the voucher person can use. correct?
Just need to clarify, just to avoid sharing of vouchers NOT ON THE SAME TIME. so, disable concurrent log is not useful because when other person will not use the voucher, the voucher person can use. correct?
I think you failed to clarify …..
Yeah, it's the exact opposite of what originally requested.
Just need to clarify, just to avoid sharing of vouchers NOT ON THE SAME TIME. so, disable concurrent log is not useful because when other person will not use the voucher, the voucher person can use. correct?
I think you failed to clarify …..
sorry typo error:
Just need to clarify, just to avoid sharing of vouchers NOT ON THE SAME TIME. so, disable concurrent log is not useful because when other person will not use the voucher, the other person can use same voucher. correct? -
Dude, dunno. If you make vouchers with short expiration as said above and add the MAC to passthrough, it's kinda hard to share it later because it's no longer valid.