SquidGuard - Groups ACL not working
I've configured Squidguard with a Common ACL that is very restrictive and works perfect. To permit some users to freely navigate the internet, I´ve created a Group ACL that allow all and assigned Specific IPs to this group, but this IPs are still blocked by the Common ACL.
My configuration is: Pfsense 2.2.4, Squid 3.0-0.2.8 and Squidguard-devel v.1.5.6.
What could be wrong?
The processing order perhaps?
Thanks KOM, but how can I control de processing order?
Look at your Group ACL. The Order is the third option from the top.
Yes I try it, but there is no option for the Common ACL
The Order dictates the literal order in whcih ACLs are processed. If your Common ACL blocks X and your Group ACL allows X, but Group ACL is after Common then X will always be blocked. You need to move your Group ACL ABOVE Common ACL in the order. I'd have to play with it to confirm.
Perhaps you could do this another way. I find it easier to leave the Common ACL alone other than blocking ads ([blk_BL_adv]), and then create two Group ACLs, one for everyone and one for special access users. The Everyone ACL is locked down like your Common ACL is currently. The Special Access ACL is wide open.
Thanks KOM,
I did it that way, and create to Group ACL, one Restrictive for everyone and the other is Permisive for some users and it works.