Squid3-dev and SquidGuard Doesn't start and reboot
Anyone else running into an issue where Squid3-dev and SquidGuard won't start back up on reboot.
The only way I've managed to get it to come back up is to have SquidGuard re-download the blacklist package and then apply and everything fires right back up.Thoughts? Ideas? Any idea where I should look and see why?
I´ve the same issue but an untested idea is available ;) .
You could create a cron job that automaticly download the latest version of the blacklist when pfsense start.
Here https://forum.pfsense.org/index.php?topic=35479.0 you could see what the cron job should do.
Please report if these solved your issue.
Someone else had something similar and I don't remember the exact fix but it had something to do with creating a whitelist and adding a single domain to it or something like that. Rad up on some of the other posts about Squid not starting.
I have that issue, it is because the black list is saved in the tmp directory and after a restart it is removed.
it is because the black list is saved in the tmp directory and after a restart it is removed.
You're using an appliance like an ALIX? squidGuard isn't officially supported on those devices IIRC for exactly that reason.
I know it is not supported for apu1d4 but why can't there be an option to set where the blacklist is located rather than the tmp?
Get an SSD and do a full install?
Did a full install on a msata ssd
Using the full install image and not the nanobsd one?
I did a full install from a usb stick (apu1d4 does not have a cd drive ) using "Live CD with installer (on usb memstick)".